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I was running through the forest, finally realising THEIR love for speed. It was so exhilarating. Though it did nothing to fill the hole left in my heart. As I previously thought, Victoria's marks stayed with me marking my body for eternity. They were ugly. Even as a vampire I am tainted by ugliness. He's gone.

Collapsing on the forest floor, I was numb to the world yet again. I had no clue how long I had sat there. Unmoving. Unfeeling. I had hoped that the change might have numbed the pain but if anything it only increased the ache in my un beating heart. He is gone. I am not good enough. Even now. Gone. Alone. Forever.

Due to the numbness I failed to hear the three sets of fast approaching feet.

"Oh what do we have here, Dem,". Shocked back to my senses I quickly sprang to my feet, crouching defensively. There were two males and one female. The first male looked in his late twenties, had short, black hair and a very arrogant expression. The second was huge- almost as big as Em... His hair dirty blond and he was quite tall. The female shocked me the most. She was just a child (fifteen at most- even that was pushing it) with short blond hair. Her eyes were a frightening shade of burgundy that appeared as if they burned into your soul. They could be dangerous, Bella. Please be careful Izzy commented.

"Hmmm she does look rather interesting does she not, Jane. Why don't you try it out?' the largest male smirked evidently amused. Confusion clouded my mind as the girl seemed to get more and more frustrated as she evilly stared at me.h

"AArgh it's not working," she complained moodily.

They're are trying to use mind gifts, Bella. Run for I believe you to be in great danger if we stay. Izzy pleaded. Without further a due, I began sprinting for my life. Obviously skilled they began to follow easily following every sharp turn and leap I took. Take to the trees Izzy screamed deafeningly loudly in the back of my mind. I did as I was told and leaked haphazardly from branch to branch. Doing all I could to confuse them. Eventually the newborn strength and speed won and I looked back to gaze in awe at their retreating forms. Taking no chances I went through many rivers, streams and lakes to wash away my traitorous scent.

I have to hide. They will find me otherwise. But where ? Somewhere unsuspected. Somewhere SUNNY. yes. That's it. Large amounts of hope and determination flowed through me as I made my way south. Hopefully, I could be safe there and avoid any confrontations like that.

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