Alter Ego

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Blood could be smelt all around the large hall I was placed it. It lingered in every corner, crevice. Struggling to keep control of my dwindling resistance, I tightly clenched my fists. I can't. It smells soo.. good. No, Isabella. You are better than this. Izzy sharply scolded. Keep note of your surroundings young one we are not alone.

Enraged eyes stalked predatorily from the shadows, enforcing their gazes upon the target- me. Some grew weary of the scars that clung to my skin- constant reminders of Victoria. Whereas others grew more determined to eliminate the 'threat'. Knowing nothing about physical combat, I cautiously stumbled backwards.

Out of nowhere my body began shaking slightly- not noticeable if you don"t look for it, as Izzy proclaimed in my mind I'll handle this Isabella. We shall be fine. At that moment I was pushed to the back seat.


Arrogantly, I straightened myself up, linked my hands behind my back and rose my chin. Isabella has such bad posture. We must teach her some basic skills.

"If you value your lives you shall stand down immediately. I shall not allow you to hurt Isabella!" I bellowed unneedingly. The vampires continued forwards. Oh well. Twirling into the air, I span backwards. Then tucked my knees to my chest to push into the chest of the vampire before me. Effectively, knocking them into another three vampires. To my right a vampire became to get closer to me. Swift-fully, I round house kicked them in the head. Pulled their arms off. And slammed them to the concrete ground underneath me. Sharp twinges of pain in my arm alerted me to another vampire that had managed to gain on me -whilst I was dealing with the other. Grabbing her neck, which she carelessly left exposed, I twisted; It came clean off. The battle continued and one by one they earned a place in the ever growing pile of limbs in the corner.

All of a sudden, Maria came from the previously locked door, clapping gleefully.

" Bravo! Bravo! You have passed the test. We shall begin training immediately. Not that you really need it. It's time for me to rise from the ashes once again. Maria has found a new major!" she squealed like a little girl that just obtained her first Barbie ™ dolly. She paced around the room whilst muttering softy to herself.

Let me have control again, Izzy. We are find now. Bella asked worriedly and demandingly. However, I am unable to allow her. Not until we leave this terrible place for good. Survival instincts refused me to return to the corners of Isabella's mind. So I remained unwillingly in her place.

Years of horror, pain and regret passed by with myself still in full control. It was getting harder to find the will to allow Isabella back to her rightful place. There was so much craziness surrounding me. I feel like all my faith has gone.

It didn't take me long to fill in the Major position in Maria's ranks. Battles become games for me. Gracefully, I dance around the battlefields dismembering the enemy in my deadly dance. The warlords feared Maria and I.

However, I was not content. Strongly, Mistress refused me to hunt from animals. She said it weakened me. Made me vulnerable. So I have to deal with the haunted faces of my human prey. Each and every life taking away a little more of humanity. If I stepped a little out of line, I would receive the most harrowing of punishment. I should run away but I was too afraid of her finding me- knowing she would hunt me to the end of time and nothing would stop her.

Company evaded me. People say to not near me as I was too dangerous I could see the danger but one could hope. Looking back I see that there was no fate possible for me except this one.

Nevertheless, as I approached the frontline I could do little but hope it changes. Hope my life changes. Fearful scars now overlapped on all inches of my body. There was no place to be spared from the angry bites of the dead. I'm sick of playing all these games. We were all pawns in Mistress' sick game of power-hungry, territorial bullshit.



Thanks again for reading guys!

I usually write my chapters in my bedroom at home but one chunk of this one was actually written on the bus home and I was so surprised at how non-awkward it was. It was a coach so it us harder for other people to WATCH me, which I find very disturbing and I get really paranoid about. Just saying.

It made me want to write in other weird places. Well not weird just not my bedroom. I had lots more inspiration in the new atmosphere. So my tip for you if your stuck get a new look. Okay that was cringey. I'm gonna shut up now. X

Lots of love 💛💜💖💜💛



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