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There's a big spider in front of me.

—no, there's a giant spider in front of me.




There's a fucking gigantic spider in front of me.

I blinked, staring silently at one of its many eyes. Seconds before its right front leg moved. I caught it bearing down on me before my sight swallowed by darkness.







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I gasped and trying to breath before I was aware of something cocooned me tightly.


I'm struggling to free my hands where they trapped to my sides. Grunting, with difficult attempt I managed to free my right hand. The fabric is so sticky and can stretched impossibly wide that it was a miracle I can free my hand at all.

...Wait. This isn't blanket. This is— 

—something really sharp piercing my back.

I just have the time to open my mouth before darkness claimed me once again.




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I inhaled, oh so slowly. And then the sudden pain in my back almost blinded me. Breathing slowly, trying to ignore fire-hot flames of my back now, I examine my entire being. The blankets already enveloped my entire body and binds me.

(A voice in my head whispered this isn't blankets. This is—

—and I tuck that observation to the deep of my unconscious because now is not the time to make myself panicked.

Sticky, sticky feeling, stretchy, dozen strands of— 

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