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Everyone makes it to the bridge fully armored and ready for action.

Shiro ran up to Allura, watching over her shoulder as she and Coran fumbled with the nobs and keys. 

"Whats going on Allura!"

"We got a distress call from a nearby planet, the galra are slaughtering them. When we came into view they began shooting at us as well. We must help this poor colony!"

"I'm right with you Allura! Paladins to your-"

"No Shiro! We can't send out all the Lions. There are just too many Galra and I don't want you to be slaughtered as well."

"Then we'll take two lions! Pidge get green ready with Hunk, her cloaking will help get us in close!"

Pidge ran out the door, while Hunk followed behind. 

"Keith, red will be fast enough to get around the Galra safely."

"I'm on it, Shiro!"

"I'll go with Pidge and Hunk, Green will make it to the planet sooner and they're gonna need a leader."

Shiro began to walk out the door.

"Wait, Shiro! What about me" Lance piped in like he was forgotten. No, Shiro hadn't forgotten him he just didn't know how to tell him without a fight breaking out.

"Lance, you go with Keith."

Lance saw the word Keith form around Shiro's lips like it was moving in slow motion or something. 


Shiro had already run out before Lance could object anymore. 

"Lance, please go! Do it for the universe, do it for me!"

Hearing princess Allura say that really put a pep in Lance's step, he bowed to her then ran all the way to Keiths Lion. 

Lance put on his helmet then ran up to red. 

"Uh, Shiro we have a problem here."

"What might that be Lance?"

"Well, it could be that SOMEONE won't lower his Lion to let me in"

"Keith lower your Lion so Lance can board."

There were a couple seconds of silence then Keith.

"I'm sorry who said Lance was coming onto Red with me?!"

"I believe that was me."

There was some chuckling and some groaning coming from the headset. You could probably guess who did what. 

"Shiro, I'm not letting Lance into red!"

"Yes you are Keith, right now you are jeopardizing not only the mission but the lives of everyone in that colony!" 

A couple minutes had passed before red finally lowered her head. 

"Fine. I'll do it for the mission. But if he touches anything he's dead!"

Lance board red and they took off into the galaxy. Quickly dodging incoming Galra attackers. Zig-Zagging through debris and almost making it to the planet when...



"Um Keith what is that noise!"

"We were obviously hit dumbass! Were spinning out of control!"

"Well sorry that red has a different alarm than blue does yours is more of a VROOOP and blues is more of a VRAAAP." 

"Is this really the time to be mimicking our lion's alarms sounds Lance!"

Red was spinning way off course, they were spun all the way to a different nearby planet. Having been sucked into the atmosphere of this unknown place they began to free fall. 

"Brace yourself, Lance, we're gonna crash!" 

Lance did as he was told and wrapped his arms around Keith from behind the chair. Keith was to focused on trying to land to even notice what Lance had just down, and then BLACKOUT!


Keith awoke with a groan. Dust flying all around the inside of Red. First thing he did was try to get her back up and running.

"Come on girl! Come on! COME ON!"

Nothing. Not even a twitch. 

After giving up he remembered there was another man on board who was not wearing a seat belt. 






"God Keith do you have to scream I'm right here!"

Keith realized during the free fall, Lance had somehow moved his legs between Keith and the seat and had hung on to Keith's waist for dear life. 

After what took Keith far too long to realize he jumped from his seat and crossed his arms.

"Why the hell were you wrapped around me!"

"Dude. I had no seat belt. We were freefalling. I kind of needed some way to stay alive. You were like my human seatbelt."

Keith's face began to flush so he quickly turned away. 

"Whatever, come on we need to figure out where we are."

They began to climb to the top of Red. A burst of light can through as they opened the above hatch. 

"Where are we?" Lance looked in awe.

"I don't know. But we need to get back to the others. Now."

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