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You had expected that there would be gossip, but you hadn't expected dead silence to follow you everywhere you went. In the morning, when you stepped out into the hall to get to your classroom, the students gathered in the education deck stopped all their conversations, and every pair of eyes was on you. You attempted a weak smile, escaping into your classroom as quickly as you possibly could.

This kind of childish behavior was to be expected from your students, but your fellow teachers also seemed preoccupied with your incident with Q. At lunch time, you stepped into the break room, and were immediately confronted by Suzanne, the ship's biology teacher.

"Y/n!" She said your name very loudly, as if to alert the others of your presence, and all other conversations died down. You instantly knew they had been talking about you. "How are you?"

"I'm... I'm fine, thank you," you said quietly, taking your usual seat beside David, the ship's music teacher. "How are you?"

"How am I? No one wants to hear about me!" Suzanne sat across from you, and mentally, you cursed. "Is it really true that Q threatened you?"

"Did you really save Wesley?" added the chemistry teacher.

"Where are you hearing this from?" you asked, exasperated.

"Wesley's been talking about it all morning, y/n," Suzanne explained.

"Of course," you groaned, putting your head in your hands. "Listen, I'm very tired, and-"

"Come on, y/n, just tell us about it!" Suzanne prompted you. You were about to respond, when, thankfully, you were interrupted. To your surprise, Worf came barreling through the door.

"Congratulations," Worf growled at Suzanne. "Your interminable chattering has managed to irritate me from all the way down the hall." The atmosphere had instantly become tense. You couldn't help but feel pleased that Suzanne had stopped talking, although you wondered what on earth Worf was doing in the teachers' break room, of all places.

"Leave," snarled Worf. "Now."

Without hesitation, every teacher except yourself fled the break room, no doubt to gather in one of the classrooms and continue to gossip. Worf sat down across from you, and you felt somewhat threatened by his intense stare. "What can I do for you, Mr. Worf?" you asked, your voice wavering slightly.

"I simply wanted to inform you that I admired your obstinance at the meeting last night. You held your ground but never lost your temper, and although I don't agree with your choice, I respect your devotion to it," said Worf gruffly.

"Well... thank you," you said hesitantly. "And- and thank you for clearing the room. They weren't exactly making me feel comfortable."

"You will find no such indignant chatter on the bridge," Worf responded, the hint of a friendly look in his eyes. "I wanted to come in person to inform you that Commander Data would like you to report there after your last class. You will receive nothing but respect, even from those that do not agree with your decision."

The bridge again! And Data wanted your company! You nodded eagerly, thanking him repetitively, and Worf returned to the bridge, leaving a trail of frightened teachers in his wake.

The rest of the day dragged on slowly. Your students were quite obviously whispering to each other about you, and you simply ignored it, reminding yourself that you'd be on the bridge before long. Even though Worf had said that you would be respected, you were still frightened that some of the bridge crew would be angry with you. You decided beforehand not to conduct yourself with the shame you felt; rather, you would focus on your duties to Data.

The Experiment (Data x reader)Where stories live. Discover now