Pleasant Living Conditions

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After a few days, it was a well-established part of your daily routine to report to the bridge after your classes were over. It may have given you less time to grade and plan lessons, but it was well worth the inconvenience. Besides the fact that it gave you an excuse to talk to Data, the experiment had also become your gateway to observing the jobs of the senior officers. Data had made it very clear, both to you and to the captain, that he wanted you nearby whenever possible so that you could answer his questions or offer your thoughts. Therefore, you tended to follow wherever he went- including places other than the bridge, such as the routine inspection of the shuttle crafts that Data and Captain Picard were assigned to perform.

"All systems fully functioning, sir," Data reported. He was sitting up straight, in that authoritative manner that you loved. The captain sat next to him in the passenger's seat, and you watched from outside.

"Thank you, Mr. Data." The captain glanced over at you. "Miss y/l/n, will you hand me my tricorder, please?"

"Of course, Captain." As you went to retrieve the item, you reflected on Picard's disappearing awkwardness. Given you'd spent a few days in close proximity with him, you supposed that he was becoming comfortable with the idea of spending time with a teacher.

"Wonderful," mutter Picard, preoccupied with the tricorder for a few seconds before he looked up and gave you a wry smile. "I suppose we can return to the bridge now, can't we?"

"Yes, sir," Data confirmed, and the two officers exited the craft, returning to your side. Captain Picard led the way to the turbolift while Data followed beside you.

"Y/n," Data said quietly. "We have not discussed our first attempt at creating emotion beyond the method and the intention. What will our precise key to instilling irritation be?"

"That's a good thought," you said thoughtfully. "If I were to call you a robot, you might not be as eager to correct me. If it was someone else you weren't so well acquainted with, perhaps we'd have better luck." You glanced over at him; he was listening intently, his handsome golden eyes burning into your own.

As you'd spoken, Picard had ordered the turbolift to transport the three of you to the bridge, and you arrived as you were in the midst of gazing into Data's eyes. You quickly snapped back to reality, stepping onto the bridge and greeting Deanna and Geordi as you followed Data to his post.

"Where did you three run off to?" asked Geordi curiously.

"Captain Picard, Miss y/l/n, and myself were performing a routine inspection on the shuttlecraft in case of emergency," Data explained, turning to face Geordi. "We found it to be in optimal condition."

"Well, I doubt y/n was helping much with the inspection. I don't think a background in literature is a great prerequisite to mechanical procedures," Geordi teased you, and you laughed, rolling your eyes at the engineer. Data glanced over at you, tilting his head in that adorable way.

"You found that remark humorous?" Data asked.

"It was a joke, Data," Geordi explained, walking over to Data's station and leaning on the console. "Y/n obviously wasn't performing the inspection, but you implied that she did. I was just making light of that assumption."

"Accessing," Data said, leaning back in his seat and remaining silent for a moment. "Ah; you were presenting a very obvious fact in a manner that made it seem like new information. A common type of humor that has appeared countless times in human media over the centuries."

"Right," Geordi said, amused.

Data looked over at you. "Y/n had the desired reaction. She was amused by the joke, as evidenced by her laugh. I have observed that the presence of humor has an impact on a human's mood. Is that an accurate observation?"

"Yes, Data," you and Geordi said at the same time, exchanging looks.

"Interesting." Data turned to you again. "I would like to inform you that achieving humor is another one of my goals for this experiment. Humor seems to have a positive impact on your mood, and I desire for you to be happy."

It was such a sweet thing to say that you could barely stop yourself from blushing, and you laughed again, looking down at the floor shyly. "Thank you, Data. That's very kind of you."

"You'll get the hang of it, Data," Geordi promised. When you glanced up at him, he was smirking, and you hoped he hadn't picked up on your attraction to the android. "I'll see you both later."

He left, striding towards the turbolift with a spring in his step. You were still basking in the glow of what Data had just said, and what it might mean, but when you looked over at him, he was entirely absorbed in his work. You sighed, reminding yourself that, after all, he was an android. He couldn't have feelings for you, not at the moment. Besides, it was probably part of his programming to ensure the happiness of those around him.

"Mr. Data." Picard walked over to stand beside Data's post. "I have some advice that may prove valuable in your search for humor."

Data looked up at the captain. "What might that be, sir?"

"Do not model your sense of humor after Commander Riker," Picard answered, a sly smile growing on his face. You laughed, looking back to see Riker protesting and Deanna giggling to herself. Data simply furrowed his brow, confused, and returned to his work. For several minutes afterwards, Riker continued to defend himself, but eventually joined the others in laughter at the captain's playful insult.

Besides simply becoming a part of the senior officers' working environment, you found yourself slowly becoming true friends with them as well. Worf, for example, had earned your trust by constantly deflecting the gossip that surrounded your incident with Q. Every now and then, you'd catch him patrolling the education deck, casting resentful looks at anyone who appeared to be whispering about you. Though he made it very clear that he still disagreed with your choice, he never allowed it to impact your friendship. The day after the 'humor' incident on the bridge, you noticed him pacing through the education hallway in the evening, and you invited him to your quarters for tea as a 'thank you' for his kindness.

Worf wasn't used to being invited in for tea, but nonetheless, he made a valiant effort at cordiality. "These look to be... pleasant living conditions," he said stiffly, gazing around at your quarters.

You laughed. "Thank you, Mr. Worf." You tried to keep your quarters looking tidy, so you appreciated the compliment, forced as it must have been. "I hope you're enjoying the tea. I thought I should do something nice for you in return for your protection from all the rumors about me."

"This is a lovely blend of lavender," Worf said gravely, a deadly serious look on his face. You bit back a laugh, standing up to draw back your curtains and allow the starlight into your quarters.

Fifteen minutes later, Worf had finished, leaving your quarters after thanking you for the tea. Yawning, you sank into your bed, closing your eyes. It had been a long day, and you hadn't even seen very much of Data. You had formulated a plan to bring him into your last class, the one that had Brian in it, and force him to restrain himself from correcting the 'robot' comments that were sure to surface. You still had to run the idea by him, and you supposed you should have asked Worf to inform Data of your plans.

You picked up the copy of Jane Eyre that you were keeping by your bed. Ever since you'd acknowledged to yourself that you were in love with Data, the book had become a comfort object to you, a kind of reassurance that nothing was impossible.

Cradling the book in your arms as you drifted to sleep, you allowed your mind to wander places that it probably shouldn't have gone. You envisioned Data laying beside you, kissing you, making love slowly and deeply. You shook your head, protesting your own fantasies. It simply couldn't happen... could it? 


Thanks again for reading and giving support! <3

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