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After a particularly rousing discussion on Bram Stoker's Dracula, you were sad to see your students leave for the day. You had made every attempt possible since the Q incident of the previous day to throw yourself into your work and focus purely on your teaching. Still, when the last student walked out the door, the thoughts about Data started up again. You usually stayed in your classroom for at least half an hour after class let out, just in case anyone had questions or needed to speak to you. That day, you found yourself unable to resist the temptation to hurry back to your quarters and check on Data.

Your heart stopped beating momentarily when you opened the door and were confronted with your empty living room. "Data?" you called out uncertainly, advancing forward.

To your relief, the android showed up in the doorway to your bedroom. "Hello, y/n," he greeted you.

"Data, what were you doing in my bedroom?" you asked, setting your papers down on the table.

"I was attempting to sleep. Humans often use sleep as a method of dulling intense emotions- for example, my fear of Q. I was under the impression that it might calm my anxieties and offer me a sense of renewal and clarity. However, I had neglected that I am an android, and androids do not sleep. Therefore, I engaged in 'resting', as your species calls it."

"Well, how did the resting go?" you asked, petting Spot as she came to greet you.

"Rather inadequately, I must say." Data sat down on the couch, and you sat beside him. "I hope you do not mind my using your bed."

You smirked a little, glancing up at him. "If Q hadn't interrupted us yesterday, you would have used my bed a lot sooner. I never got the chance to tell you what I thought, but I have to say I maintain my high opinion of Dr. Soong's handiwork."

Data smiled, glancing down almost bashfully. "It was as though Q picked the least convenient time to intrude."

That reminded you of your conversation with the captain. You explained Picard's theory to Data, that Q simply wanted to make himself a part of the drama. Data tilted his head to the side pensively at this, considering it deeply. "I suppose that would make some sense. After all, I am quite an advanced piece of machinery, possibly the first machine to experience emotions. As an android, I was already of great interest to Q; I suppose my being in love makes me more so. I would be relieved to learn that that was the explanation behind Q's interference."

This reassured you. "Well... so many of the crew are gossiping about us for the same reason. Even though Q is more powerful than us, he's proven to still have a very human ego and an insatiable curiosity about it. I really hope Picard is right. I don't want anything bad to happen to you."

Data smiled. "I find the petty gossip most intriguing. It is interesting how fast the rumors are circulating, and how outlandish some of them have become. However, some have rightfully suggested that we are in a romantic relationship."

You sighed, nodding slowly. "And Q would have picked up on it. But what I still don't understand is what he did to Beverley. Is he really so desperately interested in creating drama and keeping us apart that he would somehow mind-control the ship's doctor? Is he trying to create some sort of Romeo and Juliet situation?" You paused. "Actually, that sounds like something Deanna's mother would do," you added, laughing to yourself.

At this, Data perked up. "They are not so different. If it is something Deanna's mother would do, it is not unlikely that Q would do the same. He does enjoy juvenile drama and bickering, after all."

Although you were slightly reassured, you still had a lingering feeling of dread that Q's warning had been genuine. You had half a mind to get Worf to stand guard outside your quarters all night. Still, you didn't want Data to worry, so you offered him a tight-lipped smile and went to get some tea to calm your nerves.

"You are still anxious," Data observed when you sat back down.

"I suppose," you murmured, taking a sip.

Data put his hand on your shoulder gently. "Y/n, you have taught me more than I thought I could ever learn. I am entirely committed to us, and to our relationship. I will reiterate what I told you earlier; there is absolutely nothing in the universe that Q can do to make me stop loving you. I will do whatever I have to in order to keep us together, and I know that you will do the same."

How did that android always manage to melt your heart? You smiled and took his hand. "Data, I've known that you would stick by me ever since that night I got drunk and you reprimanded me for it the next morning. I fully expected you to turn around and walk out of my life, but you stayed. Not only that, but you convinced me not to drink alcohol again," you added, chuckling.

Data shrugged modestly. "You did not partake in alcohol very much in the first place."

You laughed, kissing him softly. "It doesn't matter. You're right. Q can't tear us apart now that we've come so far."

There was lingering doubt in your mind, however, and you kept a close watch on Data over the next few days. To everyone's surprise, his usual diligence and work ethic was receding in nearly all of his tasks (except, of course, taking care of Spot- she wouldn't tolerate being neglected). As much as you wanted to believe that everything was fine, the evidence to the contrary was becoming clearer and clearer, and you feared for your boyfriend.

You found yourself suddenly focused on security, ensuring that everything around you was normal. When you and Data went to Ten Forward, you were glancing around, ensuring that Q hadn't possessed anyone like he had to Beverley, and on your date to the holodeck, you found yourself half-expecting Q to interrupt the tender embraces that you and Data were sharing. The more Data seemed to speculate on death and mortality, the more your anxiety increased, and so you spent the next few weeks in a state of fretful paranoia.


Hey guys!

I apologize for my hiatus. College admissions time has come and gone (I got into my top choice!) and I'll finally have time to come back and work on this! I appreciate all the comments and votes that have been left on this work, and you can expect regular updates again. Thanks for sticking with me!  

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