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The world suddenly became a lot more colorful. Sometimes, you were overwhelmed by the intensity of your passion for the android, but it was a small price to pay for the wonderful chaos that your life had become. You'd had a few relationships in the past, but none of them had gotten to the point that you were living together. Now, it was a perfectly normal occurrence to return home from teaching and find Data- your boyfriend- cuddling with Spot on the sofa, waiting for you to return. It was an absolute dream, and you were happier than ever.

Regardless, your lives both continued on as normal. This was partly due to the fact that you had both decided to keep your relationship quiet and restrained from showing affection outside of your quarters. Data would still invite Geordi over every now and then, and they would discuss their technological developments that sounded like nonsense to you. However, you were happy that Data was still spending time with his friends and working on his career while balancing his relationship with you. After all, it was a new emotional experience for the android, and you wanted to make sure he would get through it.

You were trying to get him used to physical affection. For instance, as he helped you organize books one morning, you kissed him on the cheek. He glanced over at you, his head tilted to the side.

"Y/n," he said gravely. "I find your company incredibly desirable."

You smiled fondly. It was flirting- unlike any other flirting you'd ever heard, but it was Data's way of flirting, and that was all that mattered to you.

"Deanna mentioned that it seems like we're attached at the hip," you remarked, pausing your movements for a moment.

"Indeed," Data replied. "I believe that we work quite well together. Mutual respect and admiration is, after all, a trademark in some of history's most successful duos. I am simply honored to be capable of experiencing such a thing."

You smiled at him once more; you felt quite honored as well. You and Data had spent about a week or so carrying on your secret relationship, and Data was slowly growing more and more comfortable with the idea of a romantic partner. Unfortunately, both of you were still anxious about Q, and the warning he'd given you; Data even mentioned that he wished Q were dead, and with that, you realized he'd added anger onto his growing list of emotions.

"We should report to the bridge," Data pointed out, putting down his stack of books. "I am on-duty in five minutes."

"Alright," you agreed, giving a lingering last glance to your copy of Jane Eyre. "Spot better not mess these books up while we're gone."

Data chuckled softly. He'd begun laughing a few days after your kiss, and you loved the sound of it. His laughter was so soft, gentle, peaceful, and it calmed you down the instant you heard it. Spot perked up at the mention of her name, giving you a rather perturbed look as though she'd understood you.

As you and Data boarded the turbolift, you were pleasantly surprised to find Dr. Crusher on her way to the bridge as well. "Beverley!" you exclaimed happily, resisting a childish urge to hug her. "How are you feeling?"

She gave you a gentle smile, her eyes kind and soft- so different from the reported rage she'd been in the week prior. "I'm wonderful, y/n, thank you for asking. Data, I can't apologize enough for what happened- I don't remember any of it, but Captain Picard tells me I was absolutely dreadful-"

"Doctor," Data interrupted, "It has been confirmed that you blacked out during that period of time and had absolutely no control over your actions. It would not only be nonsensical to hold you accountable for your aggression against me, but cruel as well. I have full confidence in your good intentions for me."

The Experiment (Data x reader)Where stories live. Discover now