Prologue | Roots of Darkness

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''They lived as if they were never going to die and died as if they have never lived.''
The cold seaside was still, minus the lapping of frothy waves on the shore and icy waves crashing over the reef. The beach - and the forest next to it - was peaceful with promises of a good nights rest and soft mutterings of crickets chirping their songs throughout the grasses. This stillness was interrupted as a battle broke out among the leafy tendrils of the forest, unbeknownst to the clan that lay at the heart of it. Two toms with fur the colour of dark amber clashed in a fight to the death, silver claws unsheathed and coated with crimson blood - none of which was their own. One of them was caught unawares on his midnight walk and bore the treacherous lacerations on his back, signifying the betrayal of kin.

"How could you have done this to me?" He asked, "Had our shared tragedy meant nothing to you all this time?"

The other copper-furred feline held only the lust for power in his sapphire visionaries. His muzzle twisted and warped into a cruel grin as he broke out in a humourless laugh, "All my life I have remained in your shadow, and you ask me why I do this? We both know I am the one who deserves what you have, and now I will take it for myself."

With one last leap the betrayed feline had no more strength left within him to fight his inevitable fate, his paws fell to his side as his traitorous kin ripped a gash through his throat. Before he knew it, it was silent. He could no longer hear the push and pull of the tides he had grown accustomed to all his life and he felt a torrent of knots forming in his chest, choking on his own fear as his eyes scanned his new home.

There were no stars dotting the sky.
It was the first time she had seen her mentor for moons so she couldn't help but stare at the tom's beautiful silky silver fur. She remembered how he had retired to the elder's den all those moons ago and passed peacefully in his sleep, it still tore at her heart but she knew he deserved his well-earned rest in the stars. Before she knew it the midnight-furred medicine cat had crystal sheets made of tears welling in her eyes.

"Well, I hadn't expected that reaction but I suppose that means you're happy to see me?"

The onyx feline laughed through her tears and rushed up to her former mentor, taking in his oak-like scent, he had always known how to make her laugh. "I-I didn't know if I would see you again, what took so long?"

"Well soooory, StarClan doesn't exactly have unlimited texting around here, and please don't ask what that is," he chuckled at his own joke and then his tone abruptly became serious, "Anywho, StarClan's lack of communication isn't what I came to talk to you about. The seer got a prophecy."

"Really, what is it?"

Her mentor dramatically cleared his throat and though his behaviour was usual, the piercing azure of his eyes were distinctly burning into her soul. Something that she had never encountered while he was alive. "A darkness will reveal itself in the roots of the forest."

Her eyes widened at the cryptic message. "W-what does that mean, Slateheart?"

"...I don't know."

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