Believe Me

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"What do I do Sasha?" She asked, tears streaming down her face.
"Start from the beginning, tell me what's happened." He encouraged softly. Meanwhile downstairs on the ward Fletch decided to go where he always went when he needed to be alone and away from work. Little did he know that his space was currently occupied.

"Fletch. I've messed it up. Fletch was dating Abigail whilst I was gone," She replied to Sasha and paused to take a breath.
"Abigail?" He asked.
"Tate." She replied bluntly. "She called me to her office and told me...she told me that Fletch...Fletch said that I mean nothing to him. I'm...what we had was fake. An-and he kissed her just minutes after telling me he loved me." She choked out, stuttering over her words between sobs.
"And you believed her?" The question caused Jac to look down at the floor, guilty and ashamed.
"Yes." She whispered.
"Oh Jac. Come here." He pulled her into his side and she cried into his chest, soaking his shirt.
"I'm so stupid."
"You'll fix it if you love him enough Jac, I know you will." Sasha spoke and heard a creak from near the door that led back into the hospital. He glanced up, Jac seemingly oblivious and saw Fletch stood looking broken. Sasha signalled for him to stay where he was and let Jac continue.
"I do love him enough, Sasha, more than enough. I've never loved like this before."
"So tell him that." He states simply.
"He won't believe me. I've broken his trust now." She glanced up to look at Sasha.

"I do believe you." Fletch's voice filled the silence behind her.
"Fletch?!" She said and span round in her place, letting go of Sasha. "How much did you hear?"
"Enough." He replied with a small smile.
"Oh Fletch, I'm so sorry. I shouldn't have believed her in the slightest. I trust you completely. I'm sorry." The tears continued to roll silently down her cheeks. Jac stood from her place and moved to stand in front of Fletch.
"It's fine. It's Abi who should be apologising. I love you too sweetheart. This is just a bump in the road and we'll get past it. I promise. Just give me time yeah?"
"Of course. I'll be here waiting for you, I'm not going anywhere." She said sincerely. She then turned to face where she had been sat with Sasha to thank him. However she found him gone. "Oh he went." She whispered.
"Yeah, he went back inside when I first came over." Fletch replied equally as quiet. "Come here you."

Jac was pulled into a tight embrace and laid her head on his chest. She slowly wrapped her arms around his back and gripped onto his shirt, grasping handfuls of the material. The nurse kissed the top of her head, smelling the sweet fresh scent of her hair.
"We can do this. We will make it work, the two of us and our babies. My four and your one. I want them to meet you." Fletch surprised her. When he had said he would need time she expected him to take days, weeks even not just a few minutes. She made this known to him and he replied with, "Well you're just too irresistible.". She grinned broadly and reached up to kiss him again, her hands resting on his stubbled jaw.
"I love you."
"I love you too."

Their short intimate moment was abruptly interrupted by an awkward clear of the throat from someone who was stood over by the roof door. The couple glanced round to see a smirking Frieda.
"Sorry to interrupt but you're both needed on the ward. A patient needs emergency surgery and I've booked you in to scrub in."
"Okay thank you Petrenko. We'll be down in a minute." Jac replied with a rare smile.
"Don't take too long." Her voice was coated thickly in her Ukrainian accent. Jac rolled her eyes and Fletch chuckled.
"We won't." He assured her and watched as the woman disappeared back into the building. "Come on you, let's get back to work." He took her hand and kissed it and entwined their fingers. Off they went to scrub up to their elbows and save a woman's life.

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