Surely not?

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The next morning when Jac woke up, she found herself in a different bed to her own. An arm was wrapped tightly around her waist and there was the heat of another body pressed against her back and she could hear the gentle breath of a sleeping Fletch. Carefully she lifted the heavily weighted arm from her stomach and slipped out from under the duvet. Jac smiled as she collected her clothes from the floor which had been discarded frantically last night during their antics which will not be spoken anymore of.

Now dressed, she crept downstairs and found a wad of post-it notes with a pen laid beside it on the counter in the kitchen. She picked it up and scribbled him a note.
Hey you,
Sorry to leave you but I thought I should get out of here before the kids woke up and started asking questions. Text me when you're up. J x
She ripped it off the stack and ran back up the stairs and crept back into the bedroom which she had earlier slipped out of. Jac sniggered quietly to herself and gently smoothed the post-it note to his sleeping forehead and leaned in to kiss his cheek. Without him even stirring, she managed to sneak back out again and left the house.

As she pulled up in her car outside her own house, she noticed the clock read 6.15 am. Emma would be back from Jonny's in just over an hour. Jac had arrived at Fletch's at 9.30 last night when all the kids were in bed so none of them knew about the two of them just yet; they'd both silently agreed that was for the best at the moment considering all of the other drama they had all been put through that year already. Jac unlocked her front door and flopped onto the sofa, still knackered even after her first peaceful night in a long time. Or so she had thought. Fletch had been woken twice during the night by Jac's restless tossing and turning. To him it had almost seemed as if she was trying to escape something and on both occasions he had simply rubbed her back and whispered in her ear that it was all okay and she had settled back into a still sleep. Jac had no recollection of this and Fletch had no intention of telling her about it in fear of embarrassing her. He didn't want to be banned from sharing a bed with her if she ever found out.

When Fletch awoke later that morning, he felt something pressed against his forehead. His hand made its way out of the bed and up to find out what it was. He flinched as he ripped the piece of paper from his head.
"Ow crap." He muttered, rubbing the stinging patch of skin. Jac, of course it was Jac, he thought as he read the note. He reached over the his nightstand and grabbed his phone and began writing a text immediately.

Morning Sunshine, thanks for my note, what a lovely place for you to put it. I'll see you later I hope? F x

A reply made his phone vibrate in his hand almost straight away and he smiled.

Morning handsome, you're welcome, I couldn't find any other suitable surfaces to stick it to. Of course you'll see me later, come to my office at lunch ; ) J x

By 9 am, Jac and Emma were pulling into the car park of the hospital in the car and made their way into the building. Jac kissed her daughters head and watched her skip off into the play room of the crèche to join Theo. Good to see Fletch is here nice and early, she thought to herself with a smirk as she walked back towards Darwin. The surgeon had just placed her hand on the handle to the door of her office when a female voice called her name.

"Good morning Ms Naylor. Are you free at the moment? I would quite like to have a word with you in my office please if you wouldn't mind." Jac turned around to find the voice belonged to none other than Abigail Tate or Bitchy McBitchFace as she liked to secretly call her. Oh for gods sake this better be worth it, she thought to herself as she followed after the woman who was trotting away in her heels and skin tight pencil skirt. When they reached her office, Abigail sat in her leather upholstered chair behind her desk and Jac perched on the back of the sofa which sat in front of the desk.

"So thank you for your time Ms Naylor but as CEO I feel there are some issues we need to address." She paused for dramatic effect which just made Jac thoroughly impatient with her. "They concern a certain Mr Fletcher. I know you have recently entered a relationship with him so I felt I should tell you that...that the other day when I called him in here to discuss a patient's care plan he tried to kiss me. It was completely out of my hands and I tried to stop him but he insisted that he didn't really love you. He said that he was just having a little fun with you and it was all fake. I'm so sorry Jac."

Surely not? He wouldn't, Jac thought. She stood from her perch on the sofa and nodded to Abigail.
"Thank you Miss Tate." And with that she walked out.

A/N: I just thought I'd write this piece to mark the end of my exams last Friday, sorry for the delay but I hope y'all enjoyed it. Do you think Jac will believe Abigail? Comment what you think will happen below (don't worry I already have it planned out, I just want to see what y'all think). Thanks as usual!

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