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"Where do you want to go?"

Yugyeom's eyes widened in surprise before he broke out into a smile. Bambam watched him from his place against the wall, eyes narrowed.

"What?", Bambam asked, as if the acceptance of Yugyeom's suggestion wasn't completely out of character for him.

"I just can't believe you said yes", Yugyeom replied giddily. Bambam looked down, furrowing his brows.

"Whatever. Where do you want to go, headass?"

Yugyeom ignored the insult and smiled. "How about the owlery?"

Bambam nodded, taking the lead and starting off down the hall. Yugyeom easily caught up with him and strode next to the shorter boy.

"Sorry to ask, but why did you say yes?", Yugyeom asked, his curiosity spilling out. Bambam shrugged, shoving his hands in his pockets. He was in casual sweatpants and a fitted white t-shirt, and Yugyeom couldn't help but admit that he looked damn good in it.

"It's not like I have anything else to do. Plus, if I turn you down, you might get pissed and tell someone. Oh wait, you're a Hufflepuff. You're too pussy."

Yugyeom's smile didn't falter for a second. He didn't mind that Bambam was insulting him, he was just glad to be spending time with him.

After climbing what felt like a billion stairs, they made it to the owlery. Most of the owls were outside, flying around and catching mice, and it was nice and silent. Bambam jumped up on a window sill, placing his hands in his lap and fiddling with his fingers. Yugyeom leaned against the wall next to him, an uncontrollable smile still on his lips.

It was quiet for several seconds before Bambam broke the silence. "Why are you being so nice to me?"

Yugyeom gazed at him in confusion. The moonlight floated in through the window, coating the smaller boy in pale white light. Yugyeom's eyes raked over his face, noticing the shallow cheeks and sharp jaw.

"Why wouldn't I be?", Yugyeom asked. Bambam glanced at him and then turned his eyes back to the ground, flustered.

"Because I'm a Slytherin, and everyone else hates me. What makes you any different? Why don't you just leave me alone?"

Yugyeom felt a pang of sadness for the boy after he said those words. Bambam was just misunderstood. Yugyeom could see the want and need of comfort underneath the cold exterior.

"I think you're scared to show people who you really are because you think they're going to judge you. I can see the real you, Bambam. I know that you want friends just as much as anyone else", Yugyeom said, confidently. Bambam stared at him with wide eyes.

"W-What?", Bambam stuttered. Yugyeom smiled softly.

"I got it right, didn't I?"

Bambam didn't answer. He turned his head to the side, trying to look away from Yugyeom, but the moonlight highlighted his pink-tinted cheeks. Yugyeom smiled to himself, his heart beating faster.

"I want to be friends with you, Bambam", Yugyeom said. Bambam continued staring at the ground, still facing away from Yugyeom, and the taller faltered. "But I understand if you don't. It's okay. I know I'm just some weird Hufflepuff and it makes sense if you don't want to-"

"No!", Bambam exclaimed, suddenly cutting Yugyeom off. The taller boy had turned away and started to leave the room but Bambam had grabbed his wrist, stopping him from leaving. Their eyes met in the dark, and Yugyeom was hyper-aware of the feeling of Bambam's thin fingers against his skin.

"I...I could use a friend."


i don't rlly care anymore and i'm making the chapters however long i want to

also there's no pattern to who's pov it is, i'm just doing whatever fits the storyline best atm

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