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It was finally the day of the Quidditch game. Mark's hands shook as he got ready. He always got nervous like this before games.

He had stayed sitting with Jinyoung during breakfast. Even if they were friends most of the time, on Quidditch days, Mark and Jackson were rivals.

Youngjae and Yugyeom had given him good luck high-fives before heading off to their dorms to get ready as well. It had comforted Mark at least a little bit.

"Jinyoung, can you come tie this for me?", Mark asked, reaching his hands behind his back but failing to reach the thing he was trying to tie. Jinyoung sighed from his bed and simply picked up his wand, chanting a spell under his breath. Mark rolled his eyes as the string tied itself tightly against his back.

"You don't have to use magic for everything, you know", Mark said, picking up his broom. Jinyoung glanced up at him, seemingly confused.

"Why wouldn't I?"

Mark watched as Jinyoung picked up his wand and used a spell to turn the page of his book.

"It'd take less time to just turn the page yourself", he muttered. He stared at Jinyoung from the doorway, tapping his foot quietly. "Are you coming?"

"I said I'd think about it", Jinyoung mumbled, using his wand to turn another page. Mark rolled his eyes.

"Come on. Come support me."

"Quidditch is stupid."

Mark laughed. He hated his laugh.

"I would have expected a more flourished word than stupid from you, Park", Mark teased. Jinyoung glared at him from his spot on his bed.

"Nonsensical, ludicrous, injudicious, inane, imbecilic, absurd, fatuous-"

"Alright, I get the idea", Mark interrupted. He put on a disappointed face, hoping to guilt Jinyoung into coming. "I just thought it'd be nice to have a friend from my house cheering me on, but if you don't want to go..."

Jinyoung groaned loudly, standing up and grabbing his cloak. "Fine. You're-"

"Moronic, asinine, senseless?", Mark offered. Jinyoung rolled his eyes, but Mark could see a small smile playing on his lips. The two left the dorm, talking to each other quietly.


"You ready, Mark?"

Mark's housemate clapped him on the shoulder. He nodded his head weakly, focusing on his broom. They were doing last minute touch-ups before the game started.

"Okay, everyone huddle up", the team captain announced, and everyone cuddled into a circle. The captain looked over each of them with a stern expression.

"It's not going to be easy. Gryffindor has been working their asses off, and their captain is one of the best damn flyers I've ever seen. He's the Seeker, so you're going to have your work cut out for you, Tuan."

Mark nodded his head. He couldn't exactly remember who the Gryffindor captain was.

"Just do your best out there and have a good time!", the captain finished and the team did their cheer before lining up to go out on the field. Mark could hear the loud cheers from where he stood. They were almost as loud as his heartbeats. Almost.


They started running out at the announcement of their house name. The cheers were deafening and the sun blinded Mark's eyes, but he ran along with the rest of his team, managing a smile.

He watched as his captain went up to shake hands with the Gryffindor captain and his eyes widened as he realized he recognized the boy with a thick build and dark hair.



next chapter is the good markbum i promise

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