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Youngjae groaned, pulling his blankets over his head. He could feel Yugyeom bouncing up and down on his bed, shaking his shoulders. He opened his eyes just a bit, peering out at his alarm clock on his side desk.

3:47 am.

"Yugyeom, what the heck?", Youngjae complained, turning around to look at the taller boy. He was grinning widely, somehow completely awake despite the late hour.

"Oh my god, my heart is beating so fast right now. I can't believe that actually happened. Oh my god. Oh my god, Youngjae, ask me what happened."

Youngjae raised an eyebrow at his friend. "What happened?"

"He happened."

He. Youngjae knew exactly what he meant.

Yugyeom was Youngjae's best friend. They told each other everything, so of course Youngjae knew about him.

Bambam, the Slytherin Yugyeom had had a crush on since forever.

Yugyeom literally never stopped talking about him. Youngjae didn't mind most times, but he did when it was nearly 4 in the morning and they had classes the next morning.

"Can't we talk about this in the morning? And where were you? Were you outside the dorms? You shouldn't do that, you'll get caught."

Yugyeom kept grinning, plopping down next to Youngjae on the bed.

"Okay, so I went outside the dorm because I couldn't sleep and I wanted to stretch my legs a bit, you know?", Yugyeom said, looking down at Youngjae eagerly. The other boy furrowed his brows.


"And then I see this guy standing at the end of the hall, so I went to see who it was, you know?"

"You could have gotten caught-"

"And it was Bambam! So obviously he was like "what the heck are you doing out here" and I was like "oh just going for a walk". And then I asked him if he wanted to walk together, and he said yes!"

"Wait, really?", Youngjae asked, sitting up. Yugyeom nodded excitedly.

"So we went up to the owlery and talked."

"What did you talk about?", Youngjae asked, suddenly giddy. It had been five years of almost zero interaction between his friend and the Slytherin, so he was interested to hear what had happened.

"Well, I told him that I wanted to be friends with him", Yugyeom said easily. Youngjae covered his mouth.

"What did he say?", he asked, immersed in the story. Yugyeom smiled the widest he'd ever had before.


Youngjae cheered with his friend, and the two collapsed back on his bed. "So what are you going to do? Did you make plans to meet or something?"

Yugyeom shrugged. "I don't know. We heard the caretaker's cat coming so we kinda ran off after that."

Youngjae lightly punched Yugyeom's shoulder. "I'm so happy for you."

Yugyeom smiled. "Thanks."

"Now get off my bed and go to sleep."


"Do you think I should ask him to meet me somewhere, or something?", Yugyeom whispered, leaning over to Youngjae. They were in the dining hall, eating breakfast.

Youngjae shrugged. "Probably do it somewhere else. Knowing Slytherins, he probably doesn't want his friends to know he's hanging out with a Hufflepuff."

Yugyeom frowned. "He's not like that, Youngjae."

"I'm just saying", Youngjae mumbled, shoving cereal into his mouth. Yugyeom took a sip of his juice, a troubled expression on his features.

Youngjae was about to ask him what was wrong when an arm was slung around his shoulder. Another was slung around Yugyeom, and the two boys looked up to see the familiar face of their friend Jackson.

"You two losers coming to the Quidditch game on Saturday?"

Yugyeom rolled his eyes, snorting at Jackson's question. "Of course I am. The Hufflepuff team captain says we have to go to every game to learn the rival teams' strategies."

"And I'm going, too", Youngjae added. Jackson laughed loudly.

"That's a good plan, but you're going to have to actually practice if you want to beat Gryffindor."

"We could if you stopped hogging the field."

Youngjae didn't play Quidditch, but going to the games was one of his favorite things to do. All three of his friends, Mark, Jackson, and Yugyeom, played on their separate Quidditch teams. Mark was a seeker, Jackson a beater, and Yugyeom a chaser.

"Who's it against again?", Youngjae asked. Mark, who had been silently standing behind Jackson until that moment, finally spoke up.

"Ravenclaw versus Gryffindor."

"Ahh", Youngjae replied. That means Mark and Jackson would be going against each other. Jackson always got super competitive, while Mark watched with an amused smile.

"We're gonna beat their asses!", Jackson exclaimed. Mark rolled his eyes.


Youngjae laughed loudly. "Alright, go eat your food."

The two boys obeyed, Jackson following Mark like an eager puppy and Mark laughing softly at the other boy's lame jokes. Youngjae smiled to himself, happy to have such great friends.


i'm possibly putting nostalgia and shamu on hiatus for a bit and i feel bad bc a lot of people like them and hhhh

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