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Only two more days until the Quidditch game.

Jackson didn't get nervous for most Quidditch games, but for some reason, he was for this one. He couldn't get his mind off of it. His teachers had scolded him several times for being out of it in class. Of course, he was almost always out of it in class. He'd rather do anything than sit inside all day learning.

His fingers were itching to get on his broom, to beat the shit out of the bludger, and beat Ravenclaw's stuck up asses.

Except, he wouldn't mind losing to one certain Ravenclaw.

He and Mark had been friends for a while. It was all thanks to Yugyeom really. The Hufflepuff had introduced them to each other, and they had been friends ever since. Sure, they're personalities were pretty different, but they were still close.

Jackson couldn't explain it, but he had a certain soft spot for the Ravenclaw. They weren't best friends, his best friend would always be Jaebum, but there was something about Mark that left Jackson feeling dizzy.

They were just friends, though.

He was now trailing after Mark in the library, complaining softly (he had been complaining loudly before but had been shushed by the librarian). Mark simply rolled his eyes at his friend and picked a book off the shelf.

"This is boring", Jackson whined. He pulled on the sleeve of Mark's robe. "Let's go outside and ride our brooms or something."

"I have an essay tomorrow, Jackson."

"Please~", he begged, falling down on his knees and giving the other puppy eyes. Mark giggled slightly and shook his head, shoving the book under his arm and moving on.

"No. If you're going to be annoying then go somewhere else."

Jackson pouted and stood up, chasing after the Ravenclaw. He didn't mind the library as much  as long as it was with Mark.

Mark stopped suddenly at the end of the aisle and Jackson nearly ran into him. He gazed over Mark's shoulder and saw his best friend, Jaebum, standing there with an embarrassed look on his face.

"Oh, hi JB", Jackson greeted. He reached his hand over Mark's shoulder and he and Jaebum did their handshake. Jaebum's face was red for some reason, and Jackson guessed he had just been outside practicing for the game.

"Do you need help finding another book?", Mark asked, smiling easily and cocking his head to the side. Jackson furrowed his brows.

"What does that mean?", he asked, a bit too loudly. The librarian shushed him from her desk, and he apologized quickly.

Mark turned to Jackson. "I helped him find a book the other day."

"Oh", Jackson replied. He was friends with both Mark and Jaebum, but the two had never really interacted much.

"Um, sorry for interrupting", Jaebum said, rubbing the back of his neck. He was only looking at Mark, for some reason.

"It's okay, we weren't doing much", Mark assured him. Jaebum nodded. Jackson knew Jaebum was a bit shy, but he wasn't usually this shy.

"See you", Jaebum said quickly, seemingly desperate to get away. Mark smirked slightly.

"I'll see you at the Quidditch game on Saturday", he called after Jaebum. The other boy nodded and looked down, smiling sheepishly. Jackson watched as he walked away.

"He was acting weird", Jackson mumbled. Mark glanced back at him.

"What do you mean?"

"Nothing, he's just usually not like that."

Mark shrugged. "He was like that last time I saw him."

Jackson bit his lip and followed Mark through the aisles once again.


hey i'm listening to the vamps for the first time ever and got dam they is good

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