Waiting For The End

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Mason sat in the chair at the front of room 315, patiently waiting for Ms. Collins' phone call to end. He did not hear a word she had said, only faint mumbling. This lack of knowledge only made his nerves grow as he started to shake uncontrollably. He took a deep breathe and slumped deeper into the chair. He couldn't wait any longer; he just wanted this day to be over, but it wasn't...not for a long time. He rested his head on his arm, slowly smushing his cheek as he sighed heavily. He heard a soft click. The phone call ended. Mason stopped breathing for a moment as he waited for Ms. Collins to speak. Silence, dead silence. Mason slowly exhaled. He was tempted to hold his breathe until he went out cold so he wouldn't have to wait any longer and possibly postpone the end of his life. Mason let out another sigh as he tried to relax. He slipped in his earbuds and turned on "Down With the Sickness" by Disturbed. It eased and slightly empowered him.
Mason's earbuds fell out as his slouch became more severe and was about to doze off, but a sudden, loud mouse-like squeak jolted him from near slumber. Mason sat completely upright in a sleepy haze and looked around. The loud squeak erupted again. Mason shuttered violently as he frantically looked around. He hated loud sudden noises; they reminded him of the night his life took a fateful turn that led him and his mother to where they are now. He did not like thinking about it, but that memory was resurrected and Mason couldn't get it out of his head. He started whimpering quietly as his eyes glazed over with impending tears. He started to quiver. Before a single tear could fall, a voice tore open his sorrow and spoke softly. "I-I'm so sorry. I didn't mean to scare you, Mason. I... j-just got the hiccups." Mason looked up and over to where the beautiful voice projected from. Hr recognized the voice and the fog over his eyes faded as Harmony came into his focus. Mason blushed brightly and looked into her Smokey-green eyes, getting lost and forgetting everything that was in his head. He fell silent as Harmony noticed his beet-red face and covered her mouth, giggling quietly as she hiccuped again, interrupting her laughing. Mason smiled slightly as his face became a concerning shade of dark red. Harmony gasped slightly as she continued to cover her mouth. "Breathe, Mason! You're too cute! And if you pass out, I'm gonna have revive you... but its a good thing I know mouth to mouth." Harmony winked at him as she giggled. Mason looked at her with pure bewilderment. Harmony rolled her eyes and slowly walked from behind the desk towards Mason. Mason felt his body tremble as he suddenly got the same weightless feeling from before. His trembles subsided as Harmony slowly turned around before grabbing the arms of the chair and slowly pushing her curvy hips and thick thighs back and down into the chair as she bit her lip and looked back to make sure she parked her trailer in the seat. She crossed her legs and turned her body to face Mason's as she reached a hand out towards his young, timid body. Mason winced away slightly as he waited to feel her skin on his again.
     He longed for it and had a deep desire that made him crave it. It was primal and he couldn't help it. It didn't help that he had no clue why or how he felt this way, but he did and he fought back his feelings of just letting loose. He couldn't. Not there. Not then. He didn't know what he would do exactly...or how to do it, he was only fourteen, but he did know he wanted more of her. Those feelings he got around were nothing like he's ever experienced before. He had no clue how long this feeling would last. He never wanted it to end. It was too much raw and pure good. Not like Nick, that was ignorant and seemed fake. Harmony was just...good. Mason couldn't explain any of it, but it was so overwhelming that he didn't care.
     Mason shook out of his infatuation trance that Harmony had on him with a quick head shake. Harmony jolted her hand back and blushed slightly. Mason struggled to speak, but instead used his body to speak the words he could not say. He slowly reached for Harmony's drawn back hand, slowly rubbing his palm over her soft knuckles. They both blushed as their skin tingled against the other's. They smiled in unison as Harmony looked down, but not far enough to hide her flawless white smile. Mason slightly smiled and gently gripped her hand. They were connected. Mason was overcome with joy and it scared him.
He sensed eyes, narrowing and piercing eyes. Mason broke their grip and blushed brightly. Harmony whimpered, but was abruptly cut off by a sharp yell coming from Ms. Collins office. "HARMONY, WHAT ON EARTH ARE YOU DOING?!" Harmony blushed brightly and quickly got up, running back behind the front desk. Mason sat frozen as he heard furious footsteps coming towards him. Ms. Collins emerged from her office and stuck herself in between the two teens, speaking to both of them very clearly. She was seeing red. She spoke sternly and with an iron first, which mason was plenty accustomed to. She pointed to Harmony, "YOU, you handsy little skank, stay over there and do your job." Harmony blushed even brighter as she sniffed, Mason could tell she was holding back tears. He became red hot. Before Mason could say a piece of his mind, Ms. Collins directed her attention to him. "And as for YOU, you pessimistic, sorry excuses for a person, how DARE you seduce a pure young woman like her and corrupt her with your sick views and dirty morals. You disgust me." Mason heard Harmony gasp and quickly run to the bathroom right past Mason. Mason's heart started to race as he got that feeling deep down in his stomach. He was scared, but he was about to explode. No more holding back. No more taking anyone's stupid crap. He was over it.
Mason glanced next to him as he heard the bathroom door slam and Harmony's crying before staring through Ms. Collins' soul. With as much courage and adrenaline as he could muster, he started to speak to Ms. Collins. "Now listen here, you fat son of a bit-" Mason's words were cut short as the door to the office swung open. Mason gasped as he bit his tongue, preventing the rest of his rage to be expelled. Ms. Collins formed a sly smile as she greeted the guest. "Well hello there, you must be Mrs. Anderson. I'm Rhonda Collins, guidance counselor and school psychologist" Ms. Collins stuck out her pudgy arm for a handshake. "Ms." Muttered Ms. Anderson, obviously heavily intoxicated. Ms. Collins looked confused before suddenly realizing her error. "Oh, I'm terribly sorry, Ms. Anderson. Perhaps you would like to chat about what your son Mason has done today?" Ms. Collins said in a twisted and giddy way. "Nah. You're just some stupid hoe with a piece of paper that says you can help my kid. I'm his mother, screw off. I've handled him for fourteen years and I can handle him today. I've got it from here" Ms. Anderson slurred. Ms. Collins stood there, mouth gaping as her eyebrow slightly twitched. She knew for sure that Ms. Anderson was not in proper functioning order to take Mason home. She did not care. Mason deserved everything that was coming to him, or so she thought. "Fine. So be it. You can sign him out here and then you are free to take him home" Ms. Collins said in that same twisted, yet giddy tone. "Go to hell" Ms. Anderson said as she snapped her fingers at Mason. Mason suddenly popped up out of his chair, grabbing his backpack and prepared to leave.  Ms. Anderson let out a low growl as Mason cowered and looked at the ground, slowly walking out of the office. Ms. Anderson slammed the door behind her as she stormed down the hallway behind Mason. Mason went faster and faster towards the exit. He didn't know why. School was bad, but home was worse. He could not decide which one was the lesser of the two evils, but that did not matter. He made his choices and he was about to face the consequences. He was terrified, but knew it was not going to be anything he hadn't experienced or felt before. His wait was almost over.

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