Chapter 4b

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For the second time in a night, my achievements are contributed to nothing more than my appearance and men giving me more credit than I deserve because they want something else out of me. Fury threatens to lash out and it takes all my will to tamp down on it. I won't hit someone else out of anger. I won't be like her.

"Care to tell me who this enlightening soul was?" I ask through gritted teeth.

The man juts his thumb behind him. My eyes follow the direction to Darren. He cathces me looking at him and an ugly sneer twists his face.

"Seems like fine fellow," says the man. Kaya snorts.

The man picks up a lock of my hair, twisting it between his fingers. "I say the reason you're so popular here is simply because of your looks, which isn't a bad thing at all." He winks.

I slam the hand grasping my hair to the counter and grab his shirt, pulling him close. He smirks. "Now that's what I'm talking about." Eagerness glints in his dark eyes and I don't bother to hide my gag. He flushes an angry scarlet.

"If you're so ready to brush aside my accomplishments, then why don't you have someone make an offer for me? I'd suggest you do it yourself, but I don't fight pigs." I give him a hard shove and he stumbles backward.

"Oh, don't worry, I'll find someone to knock you of your high horse," he growls and stalks away.

I slide back to the ground and rest my head on the wall, my anger blazing. I've had enough of this. Of putting my blood, sweat, and tears into everything I do, just to have some ignorant arse say it has nothing to do with me and everything to do with the wants of other men. I'll show him, all of them.

Kaya recognizes the expression on my face. "Cara," she cautions, her voice low. "Don't let him bait you, he's just another Darren. If you fight someone angry, you'll regret it. Wait another half hour and take on someone else's offer while you're calm."

Kaya, always the voice of exasperating reason. I blow out a frustrated breath, not caring how immature it is. "Fine," I grumble.

Not a moment later, we hear the Announcer. "Oho, we've got an interesting challenge here," he says enthusiastically. "Darren has called upon on a beloved champion, one who's been gone for quite a while."

Kaya glances at me. Uh-oh. We scramble to our feet and excited murmurs rise. I have a slight suspicion as to who the 'beloved champion' is.

The Announcer turns to the bar and all heads follow. The Announcer looks me in the eye and beams. "Lynn, you have been challenged by Darren. Do you accept?" Darren stands beside the Announcer, his new friend right by him.

Kaya gives me a warning look. "Don't do it." I shrug apologetically, and she tries again. "They want you to do this, to lash out when you're angry."

I look at her exasperatedly – we both know my answer. She sighs. "You're going to do it no matter what I say, aren't you?"

I touch her shoulder and smile. "You know me so well." I spin around and jump onto the counter. "I accept!" I yell, spreading my arms wide.

A roar of approval goes up, bringing a grin to my face. God, it feels good to be back in the spotlight. Of course, Wes has to come and ruin the moment. Shoving his way to the bar, he glares up at me. "Lynn, I said a couple hours. You've still got a half hour."

"What's thirty minutes going to change? You're being ridiculous."

Darren doesn't miss the exchange. "No surprise there," he scoffs. "Wes coming to Lynn's rescue. Even he knows she can't really go up against a real opponent." The man next to him smirks among the offended shouts hurled at Darren.

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