Chapter 4c

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I quickly stand and take the other ladder up to the surface. Immediately, a swarm of people surround me. Congratulating words and praise flit around my head. I ignore them all and search for the one person I desperately need to talk to. A cry of relief is followed by Kaya's arms wrapped tightly around me. I hold to her, just for a moment, before the Announcer takes his turn in the cycle of those waiting their turn to speak with me.

"That was quite the show, eh?" His twirls his ridiculous mustache. "Didn't expect your own mate to turn on you, eh?" He nods in Darren's direction, where Wes speaks with him in a hushed tone, a dangerous look on his face. "It was pretty exciting. Lotta coin came in, eh?" If I here one more eh, I swear I'm going to scream.

"Get out with it," I snap. The Announcer doesn't seem to notice my aggravation. "I've got you winnings for the night. Pretty good, considering it's your first fight in weeks, eh?" I grind my teeth as he shakes the sack in his hand, the coins jingling inside.

I turn away from it. With the way the match went, I have to force myself not to shudder. Kaya takes it from him instead. "And it's her only fight, as well. We're leaving for the night."

"Come now, you could bring in a lot more, eh?" The Announcer greedily eyes the bag in Kaya's hand and the expression reminds me too much of the Ms. Elodie's.

Kaya points behind me. "You'll see. After what just happened, Wes is going to call the rest of the night off."

A minute later, Wes does exactly that. Everyone shuffles out, going one by one through the door up to the public tavern. Kaya accompanies me from the back entrance. She already has my cloak, but I don't know when she grabbed it. I take it from her and fasten it, drawing the hood up. Without another look back at the tavern, we walk into the night.

* * *

Despite the arguments of nearly half the crew, I refuse to sleep in my own bed. Instead, I take up my nightly spot beside Nona, after Kaya stitches up my arm. She's done it more than a few times, but I still can't watch, flinching every time the needle pierces my skin.

Normally I bring a book with me, reading while occasionally looking to Nona for any movement. Tonight, I just watch her, the rise and fall of her chest allowing me a semblance of comfort, knowing she's still alive. She's still here.

My fingers mindlessly run along the bandage around my arm. So many thoughts race through my head and I don't know how to sort them out, how to deal with it all. Kaya is a blessing, always easy to talk to no matter what. But I wish to have a chance to speak with Nona, too. Somehow, she's able to bring in a peck of light in the darkest of moments. Nona is the one who brought me up from the streets, who took me in when all others looked down on me. And there are some things, some uncertainties and dark worries, that I need her for.

I don't know when I fell asleep, but the soft sound of my name draws me out of sleep. Something warm rests against my cheek and I lean into it. I open my eyes and my heart skips a beat. Nona's eyes are open and alert, the muddy glaze that usually covers them gone. I realize the warmth on my face is her palm cupping my cheek.

"Nona?" I whisper. Please don't let this be a dream, please, please don't let this be a cruel trick played by my mind.

"Ah, my dear Caralynn." She smiles, and a gasp of surprise and joy escapes me. The relief of hearing my full name from her lips encompasses me. Nona's eyes drift down to my wrapped arm and a frown creases her brows. "Caralynn, not another night at that wretched place."

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