Chapter 7

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The King of Serola studies me with dark eyes. He stares at me for a few moments before turning to the Lord of Rioda. "Where is your daughter? She is the one who discovered this, she should be here to directly address me."

The lord fiddles with some contraption on his wrist. "She will be here any moment, your majesty," he says. "But let us discuss the matter without her. She is not needed."

Pure loathing burns my skin at the sight of the lord. He took Jax. His daughter took Kaya. How many more lives will they extinguish?

The king doesn't relent. "As she is the person who brought this matter to light, she will be present when we begin. I have no other use for her other than to hear her fully recount the events that took place."

"My king," the lord presses. "If my daughter felt the need to bring this," he gestures at me, "then it is clearly of dire circumstance. The events themselves will be of no use – we have the girl. If anything should be known, she will tell us, whether it be by her own will or by force."

"You dare question me?" The king's voice does not rise, yet a dangerous tone edges in. "My decisions are made with the general knowledge of what occurred. If I choose to listen to your daughter, then I will listen."

"Of course, my king." The lord bows his head.

It's strange to see him obedient after the image seared into my head of him being demanding and arrogant. He hasn't changed, his pale hair still cut short and his body still tall and round. The lord doesn't look at me, but sets his gaze straight ahead to the other side of the room.

"The Lady Valentina," a voice calls behind me, followed by the click of approaching heels. I hear the rustling of fabric before Valentina walks past me. She stops at the bottom of the ivory steps to the throne and curtsies, her dark gown billowing around her. Why did she change before meeting with the king if what happened is so important?

"My king," she says as she rises. "Earlier today –"

"Did I give you permission ot speak?" the king interrupts her. Valentina's black clad shoulders tense and her hand clenches her dress. "Continue," he commands.

"Earlier today," she repeats in a slightly strained tone. She pauses for a second and resumes, her voice normal. "I went into the market for jewelry. On the way back, something hit the carriage and we discovered this," she throws her hand back at me, "attacked us, along with a companion. When I–the guard," she stumbles over her words for a moment, "investigated, they attacked us again and we were forced to defend ourselves. Her companion made an attempt on my life and the guard shot her."

"Liar!" I grab the hem of her dress. "We did nothing! You killed her in cold blood like the monsters you are."

Valentina whips her head around and twists her wrist. The bands cut into my arms and I release her dress. Blood drips down my arms and I scream as my skin splits.

"I apologize for the mess, your majesty," says Valentina. "However, you know their kind does not respond to simple commands and we must tame them somehow." A smirk touches her lips as her hands turn again, sending the ice deeper into my flesh.

"That is enough," the king orders. "We cannot have her dead before we finish, and such gruesome acts are no thing for a woman to partake in."

Valentina hesitates, her eyes flashing indignantly, then she reluctantly loosens the cuffs. A gasp of relief heaves from me.

"You said she showed a strange ability, but did not specify," the king says. "Why did you bring her here instead of executing her?"

"After her companion died," she replies, "the forest went up in flames."

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