Chapter 8

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They threw me back in the cart and in less than ten minutes I am again dumped onto the floor. My arms collide with the cold cement and I scream. Once the pain subsides, I realize water – I hope it's water – drips in the corner and a faint light from above shines on the small cell made up of slabs of dark grey. Teren stands beside the bars of the prison and looks down at me, his expression terrifying eagerness.

The cell door swings open, and a dark-skinned woman with grey-streaked black hair tied into a bun enters. Her light blue blouse swishes around her knees as she strides toward me.

"What is this?" snaps Teren. "I am to interrogate her. There is no need for her to be muffled or healed – you are unneeded."

The woman ignores him and stops before me. She withdraws a small, rectangular piece of metal and presses down on the top. A small flame blooms. I stare at it, fascinated, and lean forward slightly, something inside tugging me toward the spark.

The woman draws the metal to the ice on my arm and I snap out of my reverie and scramble back. I won't let anyone else hurt me.

She shakes her head, annoyed. "I am going to melt off the ice, not harm you any further."

"Did you not hear me?" demands Teren. "I asked you a question. Answer me."

The woman's eyes flash and she turns around to face him. "Now is that anyway to speak to your instructor?" she says.

I watch them curiously. Instructor?

Teren glares at her. "That was years ago. I am no child. As a favored house of the king, I possess more authority and standing in His Majesty's eyes." He straightens his shirt. "House Meris is among the top families in the court as opposed to yours."

"You know well I am of House Arol," she says coolly. "In case you forgot your teachings, we are of the High Houses, yet unlike some, we are not the king's lapdogs. Doing such does not give you permission to command me as he does. In fact, the king himself sent me. His Majesty does not wish for her to die before he is through with her." She spins back around and crouches beside me.

Despite my wariness, I find myself again nearing the flame that flickers to life a second time. The woman places the contraption to the ice nearest my shoulder. I study it, skeptical that such something no more than an ember can possible be effective. Then, once it touches the cuff, the flame fire it entirely.

Instead of fear at the flames that could burn me, I'm captivated, entranced. I stare as the fire licks at the rapidly melting ice. The woman observes, a curious glint in her eyes. She lights the rest of the bands and they all responds in the same way. The warmth seeps through to my skin, slightly soothing my injuries.

Once the fire threatens to directly touch my skin at the bloodied flesh, I panic, completely at odds with the content I felt just moments ago. My heart races and the ice that remains embedded aches with newfound agony? Will the fire blaze past my skin? If it thaws the ice within, will it burn right through to my bones?

The fire seems to pause. They stay in place, simply flickering without melting the cuffs. The woman tilts her head, studying the fire. Out of the corner of my eye, I see Teren stiffen. I don't dare to breathe, keeping my eyes on the frozen flames.

"No powers, you say?" She breaks the silence. I meet her eyes, her amber gaze reflecting the flames.

Her hands reach for my shoulders. Immediately, I scramble away, refusing to allow any of them to touch me again. But right as her hands touch my skin, any remaining strength leeches out of me. I sag against the damp wall as I'm overcome with the feeling of all the life in me rushing out in a tidal wave.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 21, 2018 ⏰

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