Chapter 5

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~ 1:35 PM ~

I woke up my arms wrapped around his waist as he cuddled into me.

He was still asleep and he looked so cute.

I kissed the top of his head as I smelled his hair.

I missed him so much.

I just couldn't think of being without.

I wanted to sacrifice for him, and us.

I wanted him to be happy, and feel loved.

But, I also didn't want the world to know.

I wasn't ashamed of who I am, or ashamed of my relationship with Marcelo, I'm just afraid.

Not ashamed, afraid.

I didn't want this whole situation to ruin any of our careers or lives.

We have millions of fans.

To be exact I have millions of fans, I mean I have 136 Million instagram followers.

And of course not each of them was an accepting person.

They could easily try to hurt us for who we are.

And their excuse would probably be, "they disappointed us as fans".

I didn't want anyone to get hurt.

Yet he keeps saying he's hurting.

I'm trying to understand why being in a secret relationship is hurting him this much.

I get how he doesn't want to live a fake public life anymore just so he can please strangers, and I feel the same way. But, it's that enough to risk our lives, and most importantly our careers.

I knew for a fact that Perez himself is homophobic.

And he already HATES me.

Even the fans know.

But how can I convince Marcelo and please him without hurting him.

I didn't want to wake him up because I knew that would start the whole discussion again and I wasn't ready to put all my thoughts into words.

So I just pulled him closer to me and buried my head in his hair closing my eyes trying to go back to sleep.


I knew he was awake.

I knew he didn't want to wake me up.

So I pretended to be asleep to give him time to think.

I noticed he needed more time.

I was so annoyed that I had to once again let him win.

But, honestly I was enjoying his warmth and company.

And of course I loved him.

He kept rubbing his hands up and down my back and it felt good.

I guess he's just trying to sleep.

So I was going to do so.

Or maybe not.

"Babe", I said pretending that I just woke up.

He didn't respond acting like he was asleep.

"I know you're awake ugly!"

"Marcelooo, I just want to sleep some more!"

"Nah you just want to avoid talking to me so we don't have to discuss our problems like any normal couple would!"

"That's true, I don't want you to leave me again, and I need more time to be able to express myself properly"

"Well I need alone time!"

"Whaaat! Oh come on, please! I don't like the feeling of being alone without you, please don't ruin this beautiful moment"

He opened his arms expecting me to cuddle into him.

I got out of bed and went to my bathroom.

I got undressed and began showering.

I then heard a knock on the door.

"I'm showering Cris, what do you want?"

"I want to shower too!"

"There's another bathroom or three actually downstairs, choose which one you fancy now leave me alone!", I said rolling my eyes.

"I fancy this one!"

I could sense him smirking and I hated it.

I got out of the shower and wrapped a towel around my waist.

I opened the bathroom to find him leaning against the wall waiting for my answer.

He looked at me up and down and smirked.

"Don't even think about it, I'm going the downstairs to shower there, you can have this bathroom since you fancy it so much, and I'll have you some clothes ready here on the bed for when you finish", I said as I turned around to leave.

He grabbed my hand to stop me from leaving.

He pressed me against the wall.

"Babe, please don't be like that with me!"

"Cris let me go, I seriously can't stand looking at you now!"

"Oh come on now, I miss you", he said as he started kissing my neck.

Knowing my sensitive spot he began biting on it leaving a love bite and making me moan.

I pushed him off me and shook my head.

"Sorry Cris.. I'm just not in the mood now, I wanna shower"

"Can we at least shower together?"

"Pft fine, but just showering nothing more"



"Yay!", he said as he took of his shirts and pants at the door and got into the bathroom with just his boxers on.

As soon as I saw him like that I knew it was going to be hard to resist him, but I can do it.


They're sooo cute

Sorry I had to ;)

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