Chapter 6

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You thought I would never update again didn't you?
😂❤️ Nah Criscelo is way too cute I have to keep this going.


I adjusted the water to how I like it just warm enough.

I really love long warm showers and Cris being there was a bonus. But I kept in mind that I had to resist him as much as possible.

He reached over me to grab a shampoo bottle. He kneeled down a bit to kiss my shoulders.

'Here we go' I thought.

"Mmm this smells good", Cris said as he rubbed his hands through his hair which was full of shampoo.

I poured some of the shampoo on my hair completely ignoring his existence , it was my favorite shampoo, cause I loved the way it smelled.

"You're not mad at me are you?"

"I'm just trying to shower.... peacefully"

He kissed my lips softly and whispered a shaky 'sorry'.

I smiled gently as I really loved his kisses and he looked so good with his body all wet, and his eyes literally looking into mine.

"I'm very excited for the season, I just want to win, win, and win"


"Ohhh come on babe, just try to be happy!"

"I am."

"Hmm, want me to rub your back or something?"

"I'm good, I can clean myself", I smiled turning around facing the water and letting it rush all over my face.

I felt his arms around my waist, his head on my shoulder, and his hands rubbing my stomach gently.

I loved how clingy, and cuddly he was even in the shower.

But I also didn't want to give in so easy.

I lightly moved so he can sense that I don't want him on me.

He looked at me for a second or two disappointed, but then he smiled.

"I guess you just don't want me today"

"Or tomorrow, and possibly the day after that as well"

"Fine, I'll stay until you want me"

"Or you can just leave, have some time to think, give me some time to think, and come back when we can talk about this like normal people do"

"Let's talk now and here"

"Okay... if that's what you want okay"

"So what are you gonna tell me huh? You can't deny yourself anymore? Hiding this relationship doesn't work for you? I only care about myself? WHAT? TELL ME IM LISTENING"

At this point his voice got louder and it really ir rated me.

He hand one hand in the shower wall behind me and the other on his hip, as he lowered his head waiting for my response.

I wanted to slap him on the face.

He just doesn't understand.

He will never understand, because he will always argue that he is right and I'm wrong.

"You know what Cris?"


"Fuck this!" ....I said as I was getting out of the shower he pulled me back in quickly surrounding me with his big body.

"Woah woah woah! Fuck what? So you're just gonna say that and walk away, you've been acting like you had the biggest argument prepared, I didn't get anything from what you really want to say, so tell me that and then you can leave, or actually I can leave since it's your house not mine."

"You know what I want, I want freedom and happiness in my love life, that's all, and if you can't help in providing that then..."

"Then what? Say why are you so afraid? I knew you wanted this to end as quickly as it started"

" don't blame everything on me, you're the one who doesn't care to make sure I'm happy"

"What about you? Do you care about me being happy? I'm out here trying to make you happy, and love you, and all you do is keep denying me... think that makes me feel happy and loved?"

"I don't need your Love, cause it's fake, you only want to use me for your own needs"

"Oh for fucks sake Marce what fuckin needs huh?"

" I don't know maybe your sexual needs"

At this point I was just saying anything just to get him to push me up against the wall and do whatever he wants.

He looked so sexy standing there arguing with me naked.

I mean I couldn't resist him.

I could see his face was in full confusion, as he was confused with my last statement.

I decided to add a little bit more to try and get him to actually—— me.

"Go ahead use me I said", pretending to be upset and angry with him... which I was just not really at the moment.

I pulled him closer to me, and moved my hand from his chest to his stomach slowly.

I could feel him getting turned on. I just knew he was from his facial reaction, and slow breathing.

He put his lips on mine just attaching them for a few seconds as he reached in between my legs.







Criscelo( Cristiano Ronaldo & Marcelo ) Where stories live. Discover now