Chapter 5

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Hunter's POV


Team Crafted and the Platinum Warrior barged through the door and slammed it. We looked up in surprise as they entered.

"We need to go talk to Notch," Austin said quickly.

"Then go," Rue said simply.

"You need to come with us," Ryan said.

"Why?" asked Levi.

"Because you were the ones that summoned us. Notch will want you to come with us," Bashur said.

"I... I don't want to leave home, but... I also want to meet Notch," Lila said. Jerome grinned.

"You'll be safe with us," he said. Lila grinned and walked towards him. He hugged her and she hugged back.

"We'll go with you," I said.

"Good. Hold on," Austin said. He took hold of mine and Levi's arms. Jerome took Lila's hand and Thalia took Rue's hand. They all looked at each other and grinned before I blacked out.

When I woke up, I was in a bed. I sat up and tossed the covers off of me. I stood up and stepped into the hallway. I walked down the hall and entered a large throne room, where Team Crafted stood with Notch, Austin and Thalia.

"Hey Austin!" Mitch said. I waved and stared at Notch with awe.

The creator of this world. Right in front of my eyes.

"Hello. I assume you're Hunter?" Notch said, grinning at me. I nodded slowly.

"What happened? I was in my house and the next thing I knew, I was in a bed in a strange place," I said.

"You aren't used to teleporting, and it made you black out. In fact, all your siblings are still sleeping," Thalia said. I nodded.

"What's your weapon of choice?" Notch asked.

"Sword and bow," I replied.

"I can train him," Mitch said. He grinned and looked at Notch hopefully. Notch nodded and Mitch fist pumped the air.

"But first, he has to eat something," Notch said.

"Follow me," Austin said. We all walked down the hallway and entered what looked like a big, fancy cafeteria.

"Welcome to the dining hall!" Adam said.

"Wow," I breathed.

We sat down and waiters came out with mushroom stew and potatoes along with apples and cookies. My eyes widened as I saw the food. My family had never had that much to eat even after hunting for hours.

As I scarfed down food, Notch walked in with Rue, Lila and Levi. They all looked excited and in awe. I motioned for them and they walked over to me.

"This is a lot of food," Lila said quietly. I nodded.

When we had all eaten more than enough, Notch stood from his chair at the head of the table and cleared his throat. Everyone went quiet and we all looked towards him.

"It is time to discuss what we're going to do about this plague," he said. The silence that followed was so thick you could have cut it with a knife.

I didn't know what to do. I had no idea!

"The one thing I'm worried about is that the sorcerer has a link between this world and the real world," Adam said out of the blue.

"What makes you think that?" Ty asked, a worried look on his face.

"Wait! What other world?" I asked. Notch sighed and looked at me, wisdom in his eyes.

"There is another world. A world that is not made of blocks and more than you can ever imagine. But it is extremely dangerous for Minecraftians to go there."

I looked around at everyone. All of them nodded except Austin. His head was resting in his hands and he stared at the table.

"What's wrong?" asked Rue.

"I came from that world. I have a bond between it that is more powerful than the rest of Team Crafted's," Austin said, looking at her.

"They have a bond between that world too?" Lila asked, looking at Team Crafted.

"Yeah, we gained it when Austin fulfilled the prophecy," Mitch said.

"Back to the point, why do you think it's a sorcerer with a link between worlds?" demanded Ty. Before Adam replied, Notch silenced us.

"All sorcerer's have the link, but only the truly powerful ones, such as the one we're dealing with, know how to go between worlds," Notch said.

I felt sick to my stomach. What was the sorcerer's plan?

"I know what we have to do," Ryan said. "We need to see if the plague is infecting the other world."

"How do we get there?" Levi asked.

"Hunter, Rue, Levi and Lila, come here," Notch said. We got up and walked over to him. He formed a blue orb like ice in his hands and spread it over our heads. It made me feel powerful.

"That will allow you to travel with us between worlds," Notch said, smiling.

This was going to be cool.

A/N: I know! I took a really long break! I was at camp and then I was too tired to upload when I got home. Anyway, I hope you guys are excited for the next chapter! It's gonna be awesome! Bye!

Return of the Platinum Warrior: Sequel to It's a Blocky WorldWhere stories live. Discover now