Part 1.

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"How long will you be gone?" Shane asked Garrett from the comfort of his own couch.

Shane had been editing a new video all day. He was still dressed in what he had gone to bed in: an over sized gray shirt and some shorts. Him and Ryland were covered by a cream colored blanket that they always use when they cuddle on the couch. It was a pretty calm day for them. Ryland had his head on Shane's shoulder as he was trying to watch TV, but with Garrett over, that was a little hard to do (not that Ryland minds).

"I'll only be gone a week. I'll be back by the end of the month," Garrett reassured him, sitting on the other side of the couch.

Every April, Garrett flew back to Memphis to go spend his mother's birthday with her. Being a big mama's boy, he wouldn't miss it for the world.

"What's Memphis like?" Ryland asked out of the blue.

"Compared to Los Angeles- calm," he laughed. "Considering I lived in the suburbs during my childhood, I never really explored much of the city, especially downtown."

"How do you live in a city for years and don't see much of it?" Ryland said completely puzzled.

"Shane never leaves his house- ask him!" he answers jokingly.

Shane burst out laughing, nearly dropping his laptop onto the floor. Ryland and Garrett laughed along too because it was a really clap back! And it rang true in the moment. Shane hadn't stepped out of the house in five days, but who can blame him? He's always been a homebody and editing hours of footage is a lot of work.

"Well, anyways, I better get going. Andrew and I need to finish packing," Garrett said as he stood up.

"Wait, Andrews going with you?" Shane asked.

"Yeah," he answered. Shane looked unamused. "I've always done a long road trip there, but I just can't stand the long drive anymore! It makes my butt hurt! And you know I'm scared of flying, especially alone!"

Shane laughed. "Don't forget that you also don't know how an airport works."

"They're so big and confusing, Shane! They're actual mazes! I would have never been able to find the front door! If we hadn't gone to the airport together when we all flew to Texas, I would have missed the plane and gotten lost in the bathrooms!"

Shane held in a laugh by covering his mouth with his right hand. "I believe it."

"Alright, well I gotta get going. I'll see you guys when I get back!" Garrett says as he walks to the front door.

"Bye! Don't come back until you have a boyfriend with a country accent!" Shane said jokingly.

"And bring me one too!" Ryland yelled.

Garrett turned around laughing to find Shane giving Ryland a playful sad face. "I'm kidding," Ryland reassured Shane. "Just bring me back a souvenir- but not a keychain or a shot glass, they're so tacky."

Garrett left with a giggle. "Say bye to Morgan for me!"

"We will!" Ryland responded.

"Bye!" Shane and Ryland said in unison as Garrett closed the door behind him.


"Did you make sure you packed enough underwear?" Andrew asked in the living room of Garrett's house. Their suitcases are laid upon the couch, being double checked to make sure they have everything they need for their trip to Memphis.

"Yes," Garrett said with an adorable childlike smile.



Memphis Baby | Garrett Watts x Andrew SiwickiWhere stories live. Discover now