Part 5.

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Everyone in the house was gathered around the table as they enjoyed the slices of cake they each received. Almost everyone joined in the conversation... and then there was Garrett who was totally enamored with the taste of the vanilla cake with sprinkles. He didn't even have to ask once he finished his first slice; he quietly grabbed his second slice.

"Garrett, slow down," Andrew said with a smile.

"Don't tell me what to do when it comes to cake," he said with a mouthful of his second slice. Andrew giggled.

"Okay, it's time for the gifts!" Garrett's dad exclaimed.

"I'll go get mine," Garrett said. He walked out of the kitchen with his plate in his left hand and his fork in the right. Once he got into the room, he laid the plate on the bed and searched through his suitcase until he eventually found the rectangular black velvet box that contained the gold necklace he bought for his mother.

He brought it down stairs and everyone started giving his mom gifts. Andrew photographed most of it on his camera. Perfumes, gift cards, a designer purse, and so much more given to her by her loving family. And then it was Garrett's turn.

"This is for you, mom," Garrett said trying to sound calm. He was confident she would love his gift, but nonetheless, he was still nervous because he wants to see his mother happy.

She takes the black box from him with a smile and opens it. She gasps to see what it contains. "Garrett," she whispers in astonishment as she pulls the necklace out for all to see. "I love it!" she says as she puts it on.

Not only was she impressed, but so was everyone else. The necklace fit her perfectly; it was pure 24k gold and had a diamond as its main focus.

She embraced Garrett in a tight hug and thanked him for it.

Last, but certainly not least, was Andrew. No one was expecting him to give a gift, but there they were!

"It's for you, as a way to say thank you for everything," Andrew says to her.

"You didn't have to get me anything," she kindly replied to him.

"I wanted to, though," he answers with a smile.

She takes it out of the birthday gift bag and pulls out another black box, similar to the one that Garrett had given her, but this time, encased inside it was a golden bracelet that matches the necklace Garrett bought.

"It's beautiful!" she said with excitement. "Thank you so much, Andrew." She then took Andrew into a hug.

Garrett's stomach started filling with butterflies at the sight of his mom and his best friend now having a strong bond. A smile formed on his face. He would remember this moment for the rest of his life.


The next day, Garrett and Andrew decided to hang out together. Garrett's dad allowed him to take his car, and as soon as they had the keys in hand, they bolted for Garrett's favorite ice cream parlor.

"My favorite flavor here was always... all of them" Garrett said. Both of the boys laughed as they entered the ice cream shop called "Vanilla Ice."

"That's an interesting name," Andrew said a bit unimpressed with the name of the parlor.

"What's more interesting is their flavors," Garrett chuckled.

The store was decently empty- maybe about 7 people eating ice cream at most. It seemed like a pretty slow day for the parlor, but with rain on the way, it's understandable.

They had so many flavors that both of the boys were conflicted as to which ones they should get. They had classics like vanilla and chocolate, and continued onto cookies and cream, strawberry, cookie dough, mango, pineapple- there were so many of them!

The boys viewed through the flavors for a minute or two before getting in line to order.

"Can I get a scoop of mango and a scoop of pineapple on a cone? Oh! And lots of sprinkles!" Garrett said adorably excited.

"Sure. And what would you like?" the cute cashier girl asked Andrew.

"I'll take a scoop of cookies and cream and cookie dough." Andrew answered.

"Alright, will that be it?" she asked.

"No, can we also get a sundae?" Garrett said out of nowhere.

"What flavors?"

"Vanilla, chocolate, and strawberry."

"Is that it?" she asks after inputting the order in the register.

Garrett looks at Andrew to see if he wants anything else. "That's everything," he answers with a smirk.

"That'll be $12.99," she told them.

"I'm paying," Garrett said quickly.

"No, I am," Andrew rebutted. They looked at each other.

"Rock, paper, scissors? Winner pays?" Garrett offered.

"Bet," Andrew answered.

They boys actually played rock, paper, scissors in the line to decide who payed; Garrett lost.


The boys took their seats at a small table for two that was right next to the window, which showed the Memphis sky covered in grey rain clouds. Thunder could be heard every now and then, but no rain came down on the city.

The boys talked over their ice cream and shared the sundae. After a bit, Garrett tells Andrew about how the pretty girl at the register was making cute eyes at Andrew. Andrew denies the claim, but Garrett insisted that Andrew should go flirt with her and give her his number.

Andrew declined and offered his reason for it being that they're leaving in a couple of days. He had a good point.

What happened next was a blur to everyone in the store.

The boys were just talking when suddenly a man who looked to be in his 40s recognized Garrett and came up to him. He began to speak calmly, but then eventually erupted into screaming homophobic statements.

Everyone in the store got quiet as the man yelled.

Garrett asked him to stop, but he wouldn't. Andrew tried to be peaceful, but when he saw Garrett tearing up, his mercy was over.

Andrew, not knowing what came over him, stood up and yelled back at the man. Filled with rage at this cruel man's indecency, Andrew eventually ended up punching him in the jaw. The homophobic man fell unconscious to the floor, blood seeping from his gums. Garrett sat there, paralyzed from what had happened.

As soon as Andrew realized what he had done, he looked over at Garrett, who's eyes were wide in shock. "Let's get out of here," Andrew said quietly.

They threw away the remnants from their ice cream sundae and ran to the car sitting outside by the curb.
They got in quickly and Andrew drove off as Garrett tried to recount what had happened in the store.

The car ride home was quiet, all except for the sound of raindrops that began to fall and the thunder heard on the outside.

Once they pulled up in the drive way, Andrew turned off the car. They sat in silence for a few seconds until Garrett started giggling.

Andrew looks over in shock to see how Garrett could be laughing at a time like this... but as soon as they made eye contact for 2 seconds, they both bursted into loud laughter.

After about a minute of laughter and abdominal pains, Garrett says, "Well, that's the south for ya."


"Does a man by the name of Andrew Siwicki reside here?" a police officer asked.

"Yes, why?" Garrett's mom answered, her heart pounding inside of her chest.

"We have a warrant for his arrest."

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