Part 8.

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"I don't like any of these!" Garrett complained to Nick as he exited out of the dressing room. He carried six shirts with hangers in his right hand and had a look of annoyance on his face.

Nick rolled his eyes. "It's not about what you like, it's about what makes you look good!"

"None of these do!" Garrett protested. "Let's keep looking."

The boys went to multiple stores in the mall trying to find an outfit for Garrett. They had been shopping for over an hour trying to find Garrett the right outfit, but nothing seems to be right for him.

"Where are you gonna take him on your date?" Nick asked.

Garrett paused. "I don't know. Maybe dinner?"

"What restaurant? Your outfit needs to match the atmosphere," Nick said.

"The Platinum Heights, maybe?" Garrett said.

"That's not bad actually," Nick said in agreement. "But you're going to have to dress a little more fancy than your used to."

Garrett gave him a questioning look. "What do you have in mind?"

Nick smirked and walked off to a rack full of blazers. He picked one out that matched the green of one of Garrett's signature jackets.

"I don't hate it," Garrett said with a little bit of hope.

"Finally!" Nick sighed in relief. "You know what you could wear under this?! One of your dark blue flannels!"

"Oh my God!" Garrett said in excitement as he imagined the look.

"You do have black jeans, right?" Nick asked.

"I literally only brought one pair," Garrett laughed. "I haven't worn it yet!"

"Perfect! Now we just need some brown shoes and a brown belt!" Nick exclaimed as they walked off to search for them. "Let's divide and conquer; you search for the shoes and I'll get you a belt."

"Good idea," Garrett said.

The boys separated and went to search for their items. Garrett, being one to always wander off, somehow found himself staring at watches rather than shoes.

One wouldn't hurt, he thought to himself as he saw one he liked and picked it up.

He stood there for another 5 minutes looking at watches until he realized that he was supposed to be shoe shopping.

Once Garrett started looking through the shoes, he began to marvel that he was picking out new shoes to go out on a date, and not just with anyone- with Andrew! He never would've thought that this would be happening a year ago, and now here he is.

"Garrett!" Nick said to snap him out of his thoughts. "Did you find any shoes?"

"Not yet, but I found this really cool watch! Look it! It's gonna look good with the outfit!" Garrett said like an excited child.

Nick normally would've been mad, but he actually did like the watch.

"Alright, then. Let's just find the shoes and get out of here," Nick said ready to go.

"I love that plan," Garrett said. "Can we get food after this?"

"You're hungry too?!" Nick asked a bit excited.

"Yes!" Garrett answered in agreement.

The boys laughed. It was nice for them to be able to interact as friends and not like awkward exes. They had been getting pretty close in a matter of hours and it was so kind of Nick to help Garrett who's a bit of a mess that kept on drooling over Andrew, but who could blame him?


The boys were stuffed after eating at the food court, but they knew they weren't allowed be slowed down, even if their stomachs did slow their steps.

Taking a deep breath and longing for a quick carb nap, Nick started the car and began driving off.

"Do you think Andrew has any date clothes?" Nick asked.

"No, but it's not like matters. He looks amazing in everything," Garrett said smiling a bit. "Wait! He doesn't even know about the date!"

Nick was stunned by this and dramatically slammed on the brakes... well, as dramatic as it could be. They were still going slowly in the parking lot. Neither of them had thought about informing Andrew on what they were planing!

"Um," Nick hummed as if he was waiting for the universe to send him an idea, and almost like magic, it came to him. "Oh! I know what we could do! But we'll need to go pass by a grocery store!"

Garrett was confused. "What for?"

"You'll see," Nick said. "You're gonna stay in the car and change into your date outfit here."


"Just trust me," Nick said with a smile.


Andrew was siting on the living room couch as he channel surfed. It was about to be 7 o'clock and there had been no word of Garrett. He began to wonder what could be happening between between the two boys.

What's taking them so long? Weren't they just hanging out the cafe?! It doesn't take hours to drink coffee, Andrew thought to himself.

He began to think that he'd rather be wrapped up in Garrett's embrace than having to watch TV all alone and that it would calm his jealous thoughts. He laid down on the couch and stared up at the ceiling in surrender. And that's when his phone buzzed.

He picked it up to find a message from Garrett that read, "can you open the door for me?"

Andrew's mood lightened up a bit to know that Garrett was near. And so, with a bit of joy in his steps, he walked to the front door and opened it. On the other side stood a handsomely dressed Garrett with a single rose in his hand.

Andrew's mouth was left agape with a small smile forming. Heat rushed to face. "What.. what is this?" he managed to say softly.

"Andrew Siwicki," Garrett began. "Will you do me the honor of going on a date with me tonight?"

Andrew blushed as Garrett handed him the rose. "I would love to."

Garrett began smiling like an idiot, but he couldn't help it one bit.

"I need to get ready!" Andrew said as reality hit him. He ran upstairs before Garrett even got the change to say anything.

Garrett looked at Nick, who was hidden against the wall next to the door so Andrew couldn't see him for Garrett's moral support. "Oh my God!" Garrett gasped quietly. "I had never been so nervous in my entire life!"

"Really?!" Nick asked. "You handled it amazingly!"

"Really?!" Garrett asked for reassurance. Nick nodded. "Ugh! I hope this night goes well!"

"I'm sure it will," Nick said to calm Garrett. "Now, I'm gonna get back in the car and wait to drive you guys to the restaurant."

"Okay. I'm gonna wait inside the house for him."

"Sounds like a plan," Nick said and hurried off.


"I'm ready," Andrew said at the top of the stairs. Garrett looked up to find Andrew wearing a black blazer with a white shirt underneath, black pants, and white shoes.

"Oh my God," Garrett said in astonishment. "You're so handsome."

And so here the two lovers stood, both captivated by each other. Their hearts were beating out of each other's chest, being blissfully ignorant of how madly in love they were with each other. Tonight, the world is only theirs and it's only them... and both of them knew nothing was gonna hold them back.

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