Part 10.

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The boys woke up the next morning to find themselves in each other's embrace. Andrew was curled up into Garrett's chest as Garrett had his arms wrapped around Andrew.

"I knew I could turn you gay," Garrett said bluntly with a smile.

"Shut up!" Andrew said as he started giggling.

It was their last day in Memphis. The boys were all packed and ready to leave, but were not ready to get out of bed because that would mean less time for them to cuddle.

"How many hours do we have until we have to be at the airport?" Andrew asks.

Garrett reaches for his phone and checks the time. "About four hours and a half."

"Perfect, more time for us to cuddle," Andrew said as he leaned in closer to Garrett.

Who would've known Andrew's favorite pass time was cuddling? But it was and Garrett absolutely loved it.

There was something so beautiful in them just laying in bed and enjoying the silence and stillness as they fill themselves in each other's company. The world just seemed to vanish when they just laid there.

"How do you think our friends are going to react when they find out?" Andrew asked.

This was a thought that hadn't crossed Garrett's mind. He was so caught up in processing that him and Andrew were now in love that he didn't even think to consider how this new relationship was going to affect their life back home. Memphis offered their relationship a protective relief from their normal life back home, but since they will be returning in a few hours, that sense of protection and stillness will vanish.

"I don't know," Garrett said with a small voice. It was noticeable that he was worried.

"I'm sure everything will be fine," Andrew offered up. "It could take some time for them to get used to it, but I'm sure with time this will all be the new norm for all of us."

"I hope so," Garrett answered softly. He gently kissed Andrew's forehead.

A new cloud of worry descended upon Garrett. How would he explain to everyone that one random night Andrew turned out to not be straight and fell in love with Garrett?

But then he looked at Andrew and all his worries went away. He loved this boy, so much so that he had every intention of getting that awkward return over with.


The boys were heading down the stairs with their suitcases in hand. They were on time to depart thanks to Andrew. The house was quiet and still, but not in the romantic sense that the boys had shared earlier. This one had the melancholy of departing in it.

"Is it time already?" Garrett's mom playfully joked, trying not to sound upset. Behind her stood Garrett's dad, forcing a little smile that was trying to cover up his sadness that stemmed from Garrett leaving.

"I'm afraid so," Garrett answered with a bit of sadness in his voice.

Leaving was always a struggle. He has always had such a close bond to his parents that every time he would leave after a visit, it would take him a while to readjust to bring without them.

"Well," Garrett's mom began, "I hope you two have a safe trip back to LA. Text me when you land."

"I will," Garrett said as he tried to not let tears form in his eyes.

Garrett hugged both of his parents, as did Andrew. From there, they went outside to get in their Uber that had been waiting for them, but when they stepped outside and adjusted to the sun's light, they were greeted by an unwanted surprise.

"What are you doing here?!" Garrett asked the minister with a stern voice.

He stood by his car, surrounded by 3 other people.

"I'm here to make sure you actually do leave Memphis," he answered. "My helpers and I are here to make sure you get to the airport in one piece and you get on that plane."

"You're giving us an escort?" Andrew questioned.

"Call it what you want, but just leave me and my city alone."

Garrett walked up to him and stared him straight in the eye. "I have just as much right to this city as you do. You don't have to be accepting or kind to me, but you do have to accept that this is my home. This is where I grew up. You can hate me all you want, but you cannot stop me from coming home. Ever."


The skyline of Los Angeles was a kind sight for both of the boys. Regardless of how noisy and busy this city is, it is still a part of them. They were both glad to be back, even if they did fear what would change because of their relationship.

The Uber ride consisted of Andrew laying his head on Garrett's shoulder. The boys intertwined their hands as they looked at the view from outside their window. Buildings that almost touched the sky, the cars in traffic, the palm trees, and the Hollywood sign all welcomed them back into a world that was far off from what they knew in Memphis.

Andrew pulled out his phone when they were on the highway and tweeted, "The Memphis jail is pretty cool, but I'm cooler."

Garrett saw Andrew type this and giggled when he was done. Then, suddenly, out of a burst of courage, he decided he would give a hint to the fans to make them start being suspicious of them. Garrett tweeted, "Yeah, my boyfriend's pretty cool, but he's not as cool as me 'cause I'm a Memphis Baby."

"Alright Memphis Baby," Andrew said as soon as he saw the tweet. "Just don't forget you're my baby too."

Garrett blushed. "I could never forget that."

The boys looked at each other while the butterflies were raging in their stomachs. They began to lean in to kiss, but then the Uber driver announced that they had arrived at Garrett's house.

"Oh, thank you, sir!" Garrett said a little embarrassed as he then proceed to quickly try and get out of the car. Andrew noticed this and laughed at how adorable his boyfriend was.


The boys were curled up under a blanket as they watched a movie. They had finished dinner a little while ago and decided to finish the night off with Netflix. Out of the blue, Garrett's phone began to ring.

"Hello?" He answered.

"Why was Andrew in jail and did you allude to something romantic between the two of you?!" Shane bluntly asked.

Andrew laughed as he listened in.

"It's a long story," Garrett said as he looked down at Andrew. His red head camera man gave Garrett a gentle kiss on the neck and snuggled even closer to him. "And it's going to have to wait until tomorrow."

And with that, the boys enjoyed the rest of their night enveloped in each other's presence. Their love was always meant to be something life changing, and neither of the two realized. But for tonight, they didn't have to think of that. All they had to do was simply love and be loved. Both of them hoped this romance that once seemed nearly impossible would never vanish into nothingness. And lucky for them, it seems it never will.

The End.
Only if you want it to be.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 08, 2018 ⏰

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