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Natalya P.O.V

As the three men have a stare down a man taps my shoulder I turn around and see it's man that I do not know. Panic starts to set in and I pull on Sinister's sleeve. He turns around looking down at me not noticing the man in front of us and says "What's wrong kitten?" He says it in a soft tone. It was weird to see his tone go so soft after he just yelled at the two men.
I whispered " I think someone wants to talk to you" I tell him, he looks up and sees what I am talking about. His mood changes in a bad way he pulls me behind him. I peek my head to see what is going on,
Sinister " what do you want?"
He says in a very dark tone.
Julian " I was just wondering who this beauty was and clearly she yours.
He says while looking at me. I shoot my head to Sinister's back. I turn and see the to men also in a bad mood. Who ever this man was you could tell he was not liked at all by them. I wonder who he was? And why did he want to know who I was?.

My conscience was nagging at me with questions but I've learned the hard way that Curiosity was what indeed killed the cat.

As I am in deep thought Sinister's voice snapped me out of it.
Sinister " and you where right now leave and stay out of my sight before I throw you off the ship"
He says in a deep serious tone. They continue to talk (more like Sinister threatening him) I wasn't paying attention anymore so I started to fiddling with my rings Again. when When the man with long blonde hair leans in whispers " hello" I turn and look at him " my name is Leonardo But everyone calls me Leo for short" he says with a genuine smile is was a relief to see someone one on this boat with a real smile, everyone here was all fake smiles.
I found myself to trust him not like Sinister like A bother feeling.
I Smile and whisper " hello I am Natalya"
He moves a bit to the side to revel the man with short and slightly curly black hair.
Leo" this fool is Ivan" Ivan also gives me a warm smile. you can tell he was a flirt. why you ask? Because he winked at me when he first saw me It didn't make me uncomfortable it made want to laugh at his silly ness.
Leo" we are Sinister's right hands"
I nod my head and say " are you friends with My brother?"
He cocks his head to the side.
" I saw you talk to him when I first entered the ball room" I tell him.
Leo" ah yes we are friends"
" oh"
Ivan comes closer and put his arm around Leo's shoulder and says " well I guess I have to say it since no one else will" he says with a playful tone.
I really don't know what he is talking about so I say " I don't know what you mean?" I tell him truthfully.
Ivan rolls his eyes and says " why did a" he pauses for a moment looking for the right words to say. He continued " Innocent girl like you end up with a Beast of a man like Sinister?" He says with his right eyebrow raised up.
I look at him then at Leo and he has his arms crossed as if I where in trouble.
I didn't have a answer for them I mean I did- kind of I wasn't even sure myself but I did know I wasn't going to tell anyone— well except Sinister of course.
" I-I-" before I could finish Sinister turns back around and grabs my waist and pulls me closer to him as if he was making his claim.
Sinister " what are you talking about little one?" He says looking at me with a smirk.
Leo" nothing we were just introducing ourselves". He says looking at Sinister,
Sinister nods. Leo looks at me and winks.

Ivan " well I don't know about you two but I need a drink" he says straightening his suit.
Leo " Same here, will I see you two later in dinner room?" He says looking at me and then and Sinister.
Sinister " we will be there" he says.
I look around the room one more time and notice my sister. She is staring right at me she is giving me her classic 'you are in deep trouble' look. She starts to make her way towards us.
Ivan" ah the infamous Amandine making sure her sister is all right" he says looking in the direction she is coming in.
I start to get really nervous and fidgety again. She reaches me.
Amandine " Natalya" she says completely ignoring the Sinister and Leo, Ivan
" yes?" I tell her.
Amandine " qu'est-ce que tu fais en te rapprochant de Sinister ?! (what are you doing cozying up to Sinister?!)"
" ah eh bien tu vois c'est une longue histoire vraiment mais je ne peux pas vous dire maintenant je vais vous dire plus tard s'il vous plaît juste ne pas provoquer une scène (ah well you see it's a long story really but I can't tell you now I'll tell you later please just don't cause a scene)" I tell her truthfully.
She takes a moment and looks at me directly in my eyes I nod meaning that everything is fine, knowing her she thinks he probably is forcing me to do something I don't want to do . She takes a deep breath and nods and says okay.
Ivan " well it's nice to see you too Amandine" he gives her a smirk.
Leo" you know it's not nice to ignore the host" he says looking at Sinister.
Amandine roll her eyes and looks at Sinister and says " hello Sinister it's nice to see you again". She flashes him one of her fake smiles.
I wonder why she doesn't like them or is it just Sinister?.
Sinister " hello Amandine, I would love to stay and chat but we have people to meet" he says you can hear the anger rising from his tone but he doesn't want to lash out so he starts to walk and pulls me along with him.
I look back and see she is talking no more like arguing with Leo and Ivan. I turn back around. my thoughts get the best of me and my mouth opens before my mind can catch up.
" why don't you and my sister get along?"
Before he can speak I start to speak again apologizing " I am sorry it's none of my business I - " he cuts me off and says " she thinks that I know where your father is and that I am keeping him safe" he says in a nonchalant tone.
My mind just shuts down and focus on what he just said.

After a few moments of processing what he had just said to me I look at him and tell him " he's not hiding he's dead " he looks at me and says " just because you saw him get shot doesn't mean you saw him die Natalya, now let's not waist precious time on this and let's go meet some people" he says with a stern look. I nod and walk with him to a group of people that make other people want to hide in a hole and die and I am one of those people who wants to hide right about now.

Sorry I haven't updated in a while.....but I am finally through that dry writing patch🤗

I hope you liked this chapter-
Have a good day😁

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