I'll hold you

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Ok Ive told him about my parents. Now for him to tell me about his, wonder what his father is like. What about Jess? Is she a single mom, or is she like just super independent? That would be bad ass.

"Ok blue eyes. My mom, well shes a sweet lady when you meet her but she's a true New Yorker when she's mad. She can yell from the fourth floor and you'll hear it from seventh. She's a real good woman though. She provides what I need and then some."

He looks away. Ok. Now what about his father? He cant be so bad that Liam can't look up. Or can he?

"And as for my father. Well, he left me and my mom when I was about ten. He use to say that I was mistake but he had some one to provide everything for him. Asshole. A lot of people say I'm like him and I promise you, I'm not. I refuse to let myself stay with a woman and my kid for things. If I'm going to be with someone, I want to be with them for all the right reasons not the materialistic reasons"

Hailee was absolutely stunned. Just wow. "Well Yorker boy, I haven't met the man and I hardly know you but I doubt youre anything like him. You don't seem like that type. To me anyways" Liam smiled "Thanks blue eyes." Hailee blushed. "You going to keep calling blue eyes?" A second of silence passes "You gonna keep blushing if I do?" Well, look at this, they're enjoying themselves.

"Ok blue eyes. What about the rest of your family? Do you have any other siblings? Or is it just you and Chance?" Hailee looks away. "Hailee?" Liam can see that shes started crying. "What's wrong? Did I say something?" She takes a deep breath, "No youre fine, um and no, its not just me and Chance. We have a brother,Lucas. He's twenty four, hes also in the military. I've never met him. Always wanted to though. Chance talks about him, says we would get along so perfect but just like my dad, too busy."

"Wow, seems like Chance is all you have. All you have here anyway. Why did Chance not go into the military? Seems like the family business."
"I dont really know why he stayed back, he says Lucas wanted to, to be apart of my life but my dad made Lucas enlist, its one of those things where its the first borns job to do something powerful and that was Lucas. I write to Lucas and my dad. Lucas replies to almost all of them, he tells me about himself and stuff but its not easy to understand and to get to know your brother over a piece of paper ya know?" She starts to cry again.

Many moments pass, Liam doesn't know how to comfort her, how do you comfort someone you hardly know? Then in the moment he realizes something, everyone likes to be touched when theyre sad. Sad people like hugs and stuff. "Ok blue eyes, you can just cry but I'm going to hold you OK? Just cry and I'll be here for you"

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