1.The author

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Edit 2: 28/01/21

♤At school♤

☆Mari's pov☆

It was a normal day at school, I arrived late to school, as usual, t'ill something interesting happened, and it wasn't an akumatized victim.

I was doing my schoolwork that Ms. Bustier gave us,you know, normal stuff, t'ill there was a knock on the door ,"Come in !"Miss Bustier said, The class was curious as to who it was. We've never seen this person before.

A girl came in and asked the following, "Hello, is this miss bustier's class ?"

"Yes it is,actually. Is it an important matter?" Miss Bustier replied.

I took a quick glance at what she was wearing ,she was wearing a black off shoulder dress that had little stars and moon pattern spread around, the dress reached her knees, and her hair was a light brown color and tied to a fish braid, a few star pins in the braid, she also brought an umbrella that looked similar to stormy weather's, black with little stars scattered around . Is this an akumatized victim? No I don't think so, she looked too simple, Hawkmoth loves giving akumatized victims crazy outfits, like have you seen Reflekta?

"I know that you won't like what I am going to do but... Do i care? No."She said

She pointed her umbrella to Miss Bustier and it suddenly shot a blue laser to Miss Bustier , making her frozen .

This was definitely an akumatized victim, i need to get out of here, and transform, fast. But before I could move , She took her phone and lock the door and it had lady wifi's lock sign on it.

"Hello, I'm the Author just call me Author and we are going to visit the future "she smiled .

"Ugh,i am not going anywhere . Do you know who my father is ?!?!" The brat said

"No and no one cares . And By the way I am going to reveal ladybug and Chat noir 's identities. " Author said.

Suddenly Alya said,eyes twinkling a bit "Really ? But this feels a bit suspicious, who are you exactly? Also isn't this bad? Are you an akumatized victim?"

" Man, you ask a lot of questions.Yes I'll reveal their identities, again, I'm the author,Not necessarily bad i would say,Plus this is fanfiction, revealing their identities won't change anything in the canon version. and No, I'm not akumatized. Any other questions?"She asked, a bit of an annoyed tone in her voice .

I raised my hand, "can we do the reveal the last ?"  I ask, please be yes.

" Yeah okay, that's what I wanted to do anyways. "she replied.

Then Alya nudged my side "why did you do that? I wat to know their identities as fast as possible."

"uhh,I want to keep the best for last? " Hopefully she believed this lie.

"Ok... That kinda makes sense." She says even though she gave me a weird look .

Who is this person and what does she want? We'll just have to see.

Hi , author-chan here
Remember that this is my
FIRST book so there may be grammar mistakes.


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