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♤15 years later♤

☆Mari's pov ☆

" Adrien,I think it is time for Ladybug and Chat noir to retire " I say

" But why ? " He asks

" We are getting old you know " I say

" Fine" he says

" But we could have one last patrol " I say

" Alright" he says

♤after patrol ♤

" Well, it is time to give our miraculous to master fu " I say a bit sad that I am losing tikki.

" Let's give these tomorrow " Adrien says

" Fine.Hey ,still remember how we revealed ?" I ask

"Of course, it was a little bit unusual though " Adrien says

"Yeah... I miss those days " I say remembering that day

♧the next day♧

♢at master fu's♢

" I am gonna miss you tikki" I say sadly

"I am gonna miss you too marinette" tikki says

After we bid our goodbyes we went home

We were still sad about losing our kwamis but we didn't show it.

♧a week later♧

"There are new heroes in town !" I heard the TV

The TV showed 2 new heroes

Both of them were females.

One of them had blue hair and green eyes .She had the black cat miraculous .

The other one had blonde hair and teal eyes .She had the ladybug miraculous.

Suddenly I saw some black and purple-ish smoke and I saw a familiar person turns out it was author !

"Hey,remember me ?" She asks

" Of course !"I say

"Hey Adrien, we have a visitor !" I shouted

He came and saw author

"What are you doing here ?" He asks

"Can't I visit you guys ?" She says

"Of course you can " I say

"You look the same as the last time we saw you "Adrien says

"I shall take that as a compliment" she says

"I think it is time for me to go back " she says

"But remember ,I will be watching you " she says as she disappeared

"That is very creepy " I say

"Hey marinette, look at this " Adrien said looking at our bills

" What is it ?" I ask

"It says that someone has been buying camembert lately " he says

"But , we haven't bought Camembert since last week!" Adrien exclaimed

"You thinking what i'm thinking ?" I say a grin on my face.

"Emma!"we exclaimed in sync

"Oh... that sly cat" I say

♢after dinner♢

"I am finished ,I 'm gonna be in my room if you need me "Emma says standing up

After me and Adrien finished eating , we knocked on emma's door .

"Come in !" I hear Emma say

We went into the room and see a confused Emma.

"What is it mom ,dad ?" She asks confused

"We just wanna ask a question " Adrien says

"Are you the one who has been buying camembert cheese ?" I ask raising my eyebrow .

"Uh,no of course not ! Why would I buy that anyways ?" She stutters

"I can tell that you are lying. You stutter when you lie." I say smirking a bit.

"N-no of course not " she stutters

"Don't lie, you have a miraculous don't you ? " Adrien says

"Yes...wait a sec, how do you know what a miraculous is ?" Emma asks

"Well, we have a secret too. We are the old miraculous holders "I say

" Really ?" Emma says wide eyed

"Yup" Adrien says

"Oh, there is one more thing, whoever has the ladybug miraculous is your soulmate."

"Whoever is behind that mask ,I love that girl " Emma says daydreaming

"You are just like your father " I say smilling.

◇the next day◇

☆3rd pov☆

Emma was going to school as usual .

She was talking to her twin,Louis.

"Hey Emma !" a voice says coming to emma's direction.

It was Charlotte bourgeois (btw, Emma ,etc are 15. More info in a/n)

"Hey, Charlotte" Emma says waving at her

"Let's go to class. We are gonna be late in 5 minutes " Charlotte says running to their classroom

▶Lunch break◀

"Hey Amanda,Amelia " Emma says

"Hey Emma " they both say

"I heard you two own the lady blog now " Emma says curious

"Yeah ,it is awesome " Amelia says

"So you guys take turn recording it ?"

"Not exactly , we both record it but from different angles " Amanda says

Suddenly a boom interrupted them

"Bye Emma ! Gotta record this ! " Amanda says running outside to record .

"Wait up sis !" Amelia says catching up with her sister.

The fight was a close call but they won .

"Bye chat noir !" Ladybug said as she escaped.

Emma knew she had a crush on ladybug.

But that is a story for another time


Explanation for Charlotte :
She was born when Chloe was 20.
Chlonath married each other at
35. So Charlotte was already 15.
Do you get what I mean ?

OK ,now I feel like I should make sequel
Should I though ?
Comment !

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