4.Djwifi & ladynoir

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☆Author's pov☆

"Alright let's go !" I said cheerfully as i snapped my fingers.

We arrived at a small apartment where future Alya was braiding her daughter's hair while watching TV .

Suddenly a man came into the room and asked ,"have you seen Amelia ?"

"No,I haven't seen her nino" future alya replied.

Alya and Nino then blushed.

"Oh ,Amelia is in our room dad" the girl replied.

"Thanks Amanda!"Future nino Said as he went to Amanda and Amelia 's room.

Then another girl sat down on the couch alya was siting on.

"Breaking news ladybug and chat noir are fighting a new akuma !"the news reporter (in TV) said.

Future Alya grinned then future Nino came and said ,"Oh no you don't !" "But.." "no buts , we'll be late for the wedding!" She pouted "fine..."

☆Marinette 's pov☆

'Oh, Alya even as an adult you still act like a child' I thought.

Then they started talking again

"Aw,my little babies are all grown up !" Alya hugged the two girls.

"mom, we are fifteen remember!" Amanda pouts

"yeah! oh and by the way, I love your outfit mom!" Amelia smiles.

"Thanks, Marinette made this for me! I love your outfits too ! Marinette went over the top with these dresses!"

"Let's go to the wedding ! Don't want to be late!" Nino took the keys of their car off the desk.

Then they left.

"Now let us go and see ladybug and chat noir in action!"author said as she snapped her fingers.

We arrived at the place where ladybug and chat noir are fighting the akumatized villain .

♢A few moments after the battle...♢

"Pound it"said the two hero's .

'wow,we still do that even though we are older.'i thought

"Good job kitty!" Ladybug said looking at chat.

"Good job to you too m'lady"chat said as he looked at ladybug.

'still with the nicknames I see..' I thought.

"Alya prepare your phone " author whispered at alya.

"Why ?"Alya asked .

"Just do it you are going to love this!" Author said cheerfully .

"OK..."alya said as she prepared her phone.

Then ladybug kissed chat 's cheek .

"You are right author I did like that "

Alya said as she took 1,000,000 photos. Seriously, it even had a warning saying 'storage is full'.

"EEEEEEE,my ship is sailing!"author squealed.

Everyone stared at her .

"What? This is my book ,I can do whatever I want ."she said

"Ok...." I said looking at her weirdly.

"How did you know they are gonna do that ?"Adrien asked.

"I have my ways "she said as she smirked evilly.

"Let's go home chat"ladybug said

"Race you there!" Chat replied

"Oh, you're on!"she said before she left with chat noir following behind.

' we are still so childish '.

Then i realised that if I kissed chat 's cheek it means I am dating chat !

I panicked internally until I saw Adrien blushing ?

"Hey a-adrien why are you blushing ? " I asked

"Oh ,it's nothing " he replied and waved his hand while giving me smile.

"Hey,are ladybug and chat noir dating?" Alya asked

Then i blushed a scarlet color

"No ,of course not!"author shouted

'phew,I thought I was dating chat !' I thought.

"....They are married!"author continued .

I then chocked on air and blushed harder if it even possible.

I also noticed that Adrien was doing the same

'why is Adrien blushing too ? ' I thought .

Then a thought hit my head

'what if Adrien likes someone and he saw them in the future?! And what if they are hot?! He will never like me and i won't have a chance with him and he'll forget about me and i will be alone forever!??!?!' I panicked internally.

Then another thought hit my head.

' well at least I have chat...' I thought

"now let's go and see one of my OTP 's!" Author said cheerfully.

Everyone stared at her weirdly.

"What ? I can have OTP's too you know "she said grumpily

"Weirdo " Lila mumbled

"What was that Lila ?" Author said pointing her umbrella to Lila.

"What are going to do with that ?" Lila said mockingly .

Author then pointed her umbrella to a nearby tree and a laser shot the tree and it was disintegrated to ashes.

"That,now never say anything like that or your next."she grinned evilly.

"Remind me to never make her mad." Alya whispered to my ear.

"Now that's taken care of, let's see one of my OTP 's !"she said snapping her fingers .

We arrived at a mansion and saw.......

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