5.the wedding

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Ps: This was written long before Marc existed ( around season 1).

☆Mari 's pov☆

We arrived at a mansion and saw....

Future me ! She was carrying a 7 year old with blonde hair and blue eyes .

"Oh Hugo you are so cute !" She said .

Then we heard a few noises outside the room we were in:

"Dad,where is my dress !?" Voice 1

" I don't know! " Another voice said

"Kitty, you ok in there ?" Future me asked .

Then a thought hit me head

'who ever this 'kitty' is he is chat noir ! '

"Please help me mari ! Emma and Louis are insane "the voice replied.

"Hey ,we heard that !" Said a new

☆Author's pov☆
(it's confusing to write in Mari's pov )

"I'll help you !" Future mari said as she went in the room with Hugo in her arms.

I teleported the class into the room .

We saw 2 kids around the age of 15 and a blonde haired man.

One of the kids was a female with blue hair and green eyes. Who is named Emma

And the other was a male with blue hair and blue eyes.Who is named Louis

And the blonde haired man was Adrien!

He looked pretty much the same ,but is one whole head taller than future mari.

"Thanks for helping me mari !" He smiled as she helped him calm down the 2 teenagers(Emma and Louis).

"now here's your thank you gift "he said as he kisses Mari's cheek.

"Did you know that they are married ?" I whispered to the class

"And please be quiet ,I'll answer questions later"I continued.

'i think mari is freaking out right now'
I thought.

☆3rd pov ☆

She was right .

Mari's thoughts:

'O.M.G. I am married to Adrien agreste .THE ADRIEN AGRESTE !!. Wait a minute, if I am married to Adrien why did author say i was married to chat? '

then a thought hit her head.

'unless.. ADRIEN IS CHAT !' she thought

☆Adrien 's pov ☆(finally!)

'wait why is Mari my wife ?' 'i thought ladybug is my wife ?'

Then his brain started to function properly .

'unless.....MARI IS LADYBUG!! How could I be so blind ? '

'BEST DAY EVER !' I thought while I smiled like a dork.

I moved closer to marinette and whispered in her ear "I found you ladybug".

She whispered back "I found you too chat "

Then future us started talking:

"I think it's time to go to the wedding ." Adrien says,

"yeah, in to the car everyone!" Marinette says.

" come on Hugo "Emma carries Hugo and starts spinning around

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