Renge the Lady Manager

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-Renge the Lady Manager-

-Chapter 9-

So it turns out that school isn't that bad. All you have to do is sit in a room all day long and learning whatever they tell you to. Of course that caused problems for me sometimes. I don't always agree with the things they teach. Like History for example. I don't care what happened 300, 100 or 50 years ago. Sure its nice to know what has recently happened but I don't think knowing about things from such a long time ago will help me very much. If anything they should teach about the future, it would be better to know when it will rain, when a volcano will erupt, when a Prime Minister will be assassinated or things that so that once we know what will happen we can stop it and not just go "Oh my that's super interesting. Not."

But other people don't agree with me. When I told some of the pretty ladies at the host club they just laughed at me like teaching about the future was the most ridiculous thing in the world. That made me kind of sad so I went over to Tamaki's emo corner and pouted with him.

Turns out pouting is really boring so I gave up after about a minute and a half and was going to ask Honey for some more of that delicious cake when the ground started to shake and the sounds of a powerful motor filled the air. A section of the floor started to rotate and a girl standing on large circular pedestal rose up from the floor there was a girl standing on it in a weird sort of heroic pose her eyes closed laughing this high pitched Ah Ha HA HA HA laugh. Oh and she also had this weird outfit on... of course that wasn't really important right now because she stopped rotating and was pointing straight at me!

"Who are you!?"

"R-ryoko." Ahhh! Shes really scary and her glare is so intense! Whats wrong with her? "P-privet. Khm, kto ty." (H-hello. Um, who are you)

"What did you say!?!' She seemed to get more scary and her hair turned into snakes her eyes became red glowing triangles. I ran and hid behind Mori because he seemed like the toughest and hardest person to move in the group "What did he say!" She repeated herself running up to Tamaki "Come on you phony prince tell me." She turned to everyone else "I know he insulted me!" Harhui then walked up to her and as much as I wanted to stop him from facing the monster girl I thought it would be a better idea that I remain where I was.

"Renge." His voice was calm it made the snakes go back into her head and her eyes went back to normal "None of us speak Russian but I really don't think he insulted you." Wow! You go Haruhi. Turning her back into a girl and defending me at the same time! That's impressive! "But if you want to know what he said you could just ask him yourself." What!?! That's not supposed to happen! Don't set her on meeeee! The girl bounced over to me in her 'cosplay' as she called it

"Hello there! Your Ryoko aren't you." She peered around Mori's legs, he wasn't doing very well as a human shield, she had just gone around him. Oh wait she expects me to reply doesn't she

"O-oh, um, well... yes?" I blushed and looked at my feet. It was embarrassing: it seemed as if I couldn't even get out a sentence properly.

"Your. so. CUTE~!" She squealed and grabbed me from behind Mori spinning across the room

"Noooooooo! Mori you have failed me as a human shield!" He got a look of complete surprise on his face that said 'I was a shield!?' but of course now it was too late for him to do anything because she had spun out of he room

Mori's PoV

Renge had showed up from the floor as usual. She had instantly noticed that there was a new face in the host club and directed her overwhelming personality onto Ryoko. I felt kind of bad for him he obviously got scared really easily. But... it was adorable! He was short and blonde and loved cake so he was a lot like Mitskuni except that Mitskuni never got scared. Ryoko was different though. He gets scared all the time. He stutters and blushes and speaks in Russian just like he is doing now

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