Cristmas Shopping and Surprise Encounters

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-Christmas Shopping and Surprise Encounters-

-Chapter 11-

The two brothers once again found themselves in the tailors shop. Tamaki wandered around getting into anything and everything. He found a calender posted to the wall and upon closer inspection he discovered that Christmas was right around the corner!

"Oh my gob Christmas is five days away!" He screached excitedly; the poor tailor wincing at his intensity. Hearing this Ryoko's head snapped up from where he was watching the tailor measuring the length from his shoulder to his wrist.

"You celebrate Christmas?" He was genuinely surprised. Everything was so different here he hadn't even begun to hope that they might have the holiday.

"Yeah of course! Well I do at least; but that's because I grew up as a Christian in France. Not very many people here celebrate it." He finished his sentence sadly.

"Oh, France." Ryoko nodded slightly in understanding even though he had no clue what they were talking about. "Wherever that is..."

"We should celebrate together!"

"Yeah!" Tamaki grabbed both of Ryoko's hands for some sort or girly dramatic effect before they were interrupted by the tailor clearing his throat.

"Your're in luck boys; I had a coat that fits the measurement in the back. If you like it I can ring you up now." and he held up a coat that was eagerly approved and giddily put on by Ryoko despite the comfortable temperature in the room. They paid and as they left the shop the tailor smiled and let out a small sigh wondering to himself how their parents handled the whirlwind of energy the two gave off.


Tamaki consulted the list of people they had to get presents for he'd drawn up in a nearby café.

"Alright now we have to get a present for Haruhi."

"How about this?!" Ryoko held a set of measuring cups up above his head so Tamaki could see them.

"That's great! We should get some for Renge too! She loves to cook."

"Tamaki." Ryoko's face suddenly got very serious "Have you tried her cookies?"

"Yeah, they were super gross though..."

"Exactly. That is why we should not encourage her to continue baking." He took Tamaki's hand and led him over to where a bunch of funny looking hats were being sold. "Get her one of these." and they left that area with a green one. Continuing without anymore problems.


By the end of the day everyone got something. Kyoya got a t-shirt that read "Mama Bear" and a book on confronting your sexuality, Haruhi whale shaped measuring cups and a dress, Hikaru and Kaoru got an alarm clock that was super loud and wouldn't turn off until you pressed the button seven times, effectively waking you up as well as shirts that said #1 and #2, Heney received a special kind of container that would hold cake without damaging the frosting, Mori got a movie about the Wild West, Renge her weird hat and Mr. Suoh a fancy notepad. Tamaki snuk in a giant map of the world and nice, colourful socks for Ryoko, who in turn snuk in a watch with a band that changed colour with your mood. When they checked out there was much more than this in the cart and the cashier was quite surprised when Tamaki whipped out his card and paid barely even glancing at the price.

It was when they were heading home that the problem of the day occurred.

A/N The Problem of the day is something that I believe happens to everyone everyday. Whether it be something small that is instantly and unconsciously dealt with and something big and life-changing.

They were riding along the two brothers packed in tha back of the car with the parcels that wouldn't fit in the trunk when the engine coughed, sputtered and died. They coasted to the curb where all three climbed out. While the driver called in a tow a very misunderstood conversation was going on between the two brothers.

"What do you mean it's dead?" Ryoko spoke with the whispered tone of voice that small children use when they're trying to not cry. "Why did it have to die Tamaki? I didn't want it to die..." He sniffled from both winter chill and sadness

"Ryo it didn't die." Tamaki tried

"Yes it did the controller man said so!" Ryoko pulled him over to the front of the car and put his hand on the hood. "And see its cold just like a something that's died!"

"No, all we have to do is fix the engine.Wait a minute have you felt a dead pe-" he was interrupted by a sudden realization on Ryoko's part.

"O het! What if we can't get home? We don't know how to fix stuff!" (O het! is Oh no!)

"You're right!" He took a quick look around to confirm that he really didn't have any clue where they were "were gonna freeze to death out here!" He hugged Ryoko close and cried with him. If the car alone hadn't caught anyone's attention then the two boys crying on the pavement did. A small crowd gathered voicing questions like "What's going on?","Are they filming a movie?" and "Where are the cameras?" Then the driver walked up behind the overly dramatic pair and tapped Tamaki on the shoulder.

"Master Tamaki the tow truck will be a while. You two should call a taxi."

"O-oh yeah." Tamkai stood up holding Ryoko in one arm and wiped his nose with the other. While he tried to find a contact a taxi service Ryoko was looking over his shoulder staring right back at the people who were staring at them. Suddenly he screamed "Haruhi!!!!" and flailed his arms about; almost causing Tamaki to drop him. Said boy turned around and was surprised to see Haruhi looking at them wide eyed; like a deer caught in the headlights.

When the host king had so rudely cut off Ryoko's view by turning around the smaller had started to squirm and wiggle trying to turn back around eventually causing Tamaki to just put him back on the ground allowing him to run over to Haruhi. 

Haruhi wasn't to happy to say the least. Two of the the five biggest idiots she currently knew were squeezing the life out of her with their giant bear hug. Somehow managing to survive long enough to shake them off she questioned them as to what they were doing outside of her apartment.

"Well our car kind of broke down and we're waiting for a taxi... do you think we could come inside?" Haruhi glanced quickly to the side; looking anywhere but at the double puppy dog faces staring up at her.

"Ugh, I'm gonna regret this...come in." Each blonde's face seemed to light up simultaneously as they grinned excitedly at each other before racing past Haruhi, up the stairs and into the apartment. With Haruhi following MUCH less enthusiastically. 


Alright I'm gonna stop there. I'm really excited for the next chapter, which means I'll probably write it faster. Also here they are celebrating Christmas on the 25th of December even though in Russia Christmas is celebrated on the 7th of January.

Today's question is (drum-roll please)... How many of you guys have snow? And if you don't have snow do you wear glasses?

Until next time,


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⏰ Last updated: Feb 17, 2015 ⏰

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