Chapter 16: The Date.

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"Jane?!" I flinched at the loud outburst from below. Crap!

"That's it. I'm dead. He's going to kill me." I silently laughed at her statement.
"Would you quit planning your demise and help me up the rest of these stairs?" She moved her arm under mine to steady me.

"Sophie, I swear if you helped her up those death stairs I'm going to kill you." Sophies eyes just about popped out of her head. "See!" She whisper yelled at me.
I tried to block her out as I climbed up another step.

"Jane, freeze!" I jump at the sound of Bryans voice behind us. "Whatever you need from up there, I can get it for you." I shake my head at him, taking another step up the stairs leaving Sophie behind.

"Please be careful!" Sophie yelled, covering her eyes, but leaving little slots between her fingers. I heard loud footsteps and then an arm was around my waist.
"You're insane and if you tare any of your stitches you'll have to answer to Marie."
He's watching my footing as he talks, making sure I actually make it onto each step.

"Ha, that wasn't so bad." I said as we reached the top of the stairs, waving at Sophie who is sitting on the bottom step staring up at us.
"Alright Sherlock, what's your getting down plan?" I looked back down at the stairs and smiled sheepishly.

"I'll just stay up here." He started pushing me forward into my room and into the nearest chair. "Sit, stay." I swatted at his hands, frowning at his statement.
He takes a seat on the edge of my bed across from me.
"So what was so important that you had to risk ripping your abdomen open?" I rolled my eyes at his exaggeration and nodded towards my closet.

He followed my gaze. "Clothes? You almost died for clothes?" I smiled, shaking my head. "No, date clothes."
A small smile played on his lips, "So you tried climbing the death stairs for date clothes. Must be some guy." He got up and walked over to me.
"He's a major over protective dork, but yeah I guess." I said laughing at every word.
He leaned down, and his lips met mine. It was a sweet kiss, one that ended in a goofy grin on his face.

"Alright then, let's get you some date clothes." I shook my head at him, waving him away.

"No, get Sophie." A hurt look crossed his face. "What? I wanna help!" He gave me the saddest face.
"Sophie!" I yelled, clenching my eyes shut. He started poking my arm trying to get me to open my eyes. "Sophie!"

"Yes! I'm coming." Sophie walks into the room, talking in the scene before her she starts laughing.
"You guys are so cute I'm going to actually be sick." She holds her hand up blocking her view of us.
"Ok Bryan. You already ruined the hair color surprise so now you get to leave." He laughs looking sideways at me.

"I didn't even notice your hair." I softly hit his chest.
"Ouch!" Maybe not as softly as I thought.
"I'm kidding! Of course I noticed it! You look beautiful." Sophie said a mumbled awe before kicking Bryan out of the room.

"What a guy." She laughs, throwing open my closet doors. "Let's blow his mind." I stood next to her and started searching through my clothes.


"I don't see anything." Sophie sighs from the bed where she's given up.
"I did not just climb those stinking stairs for nothing." I heard a knock at the door and then saw Bryans head poke in.

"What's going on in here?" Bryan asks, pushing the door open all the way.
I make a disgruntled noise and throw myself down next to Sophie.
"We couldn't find anything good."
I hear Bryan walk across my room and over to where we are laying down.

"Come with me. I have an idea." Shaking my head I fold my arms.
"It was hard enough climbing up the steep stairs but going down them sounds impossible." I feel my body lift off the bed, throwing my arms out I grab hold of Bryans neck.

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