Chapter 2: Why today?

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What's wrong with me?

I haven't answered Adam yet. He's trying not to push me to say something, but between bites his gaze finds mine.

I don't know what to say.

It's not like I don't like him.

I love him, I think.

He's everything I've ever wanted in a boyfriend.

But, I stay silent.

SPEAK! I told myself.

"Adam." His head lifted up to look at me. "I honestly couldn't imagine being with anyone else." A grin plastered across his features. "We need to keep this quiet. There is no way the Mavery's can find out about us." He nodded.

"I agree."

I'm glad we are on the same page. I didn't want to hide our relationship; I want to be proud of it. But I can't give them anymore leverage over me then they already have.


After leaving McDonalds, Adam drove me back to the park to waste some time. I hopped out of the car and sat on the hood ignoring his protests. He sat next to me knowing I wouldn't get up.

I was currently changing his contact name from 'Boyfriend' to 'Adam'.

"Where's my heart?" He asks leaning over to see what I was doing. I laughed, putting a heart next to his name.

"Happy now?" He smiled, putting his arm behind me.

"Ecstatic." I decided then that I needed a picture of Adam for his contact. Pointing the phones camera at him I yelled smile.

He placed his hands over his face, blocking the cameras view of him. I frowned, lowering the camera.

"Oh... come on. Smile. I need a picture of you for your contact." He moved his hands, grabbing my phone and positioning it in front of us. "Just you." I stated.

He shakes his head. "It's going to be of both of us and you're going to love it."

Not arguing any further, I prepared myself for the picture.

"Jane look at me." I did as he said, turning my head to face him.

He pushed his lips onto mine suddenly and he didn't let go, even after I heard the phone click. Adam was the one who pulled away, he breathed deeply, staring at my eyes. He pecked my lips lightly and handed me my phone.

I looked down at my screen, to see the picture. Adam was right. I do love it.

Saving it as his contact picture, I dropped off the hood. "It's time." He groaned, following me to my bike.

"Stay longer..." He whined, pulling on my wrist. I shook my head at his childish tone.

"They can't know I was gone. Staying wouldn't help us." He knew I was right, but he stuck his bottom lip out anyway.

"Fine, leave me." He stood by the bike rack, kicking the rocks with his feet.

"Let me know if they catch you. I'll talk to you soon." I nodded, unlocking my bike and hopping onto the seat. I start my short journey to my house yelling my good-byes to Adam.

The houses I pass by are beautiful in every way; they're perfectly spaced from each other. Their lawns are always green and freshly cut. I guess I wasn't watching the road, because I drove right through a dirty mud puddle. Splashing the nasty water all over me and my bike.

This is just great.

Once the massive house comes into view, my head begins to ache. The brats are going to ruin my already touchy mood. They better not do anything to me today. Out of all the days to pull a prank, they always seem to put more effort in them on my birthday.

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