Chapter 6: Did she?

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Adam's Point of View: Flashback to Thanksgiving.

It's Thanksgiving day.

What do I have to be thankful for?
Let's see, my girlfriend is living in an orphanage. My parents are keeping me from seeing her.
I can't leave my house, I'm grounded.

This has to be the worst Thanksgiving ever.

I can't imagine how Jane is holding up. She's probably all alone and trying to find a way to come back. I've been texting her, trying to cheer her up, but her replies are vague as hell.

Anyway, for the past half hour I've been debating on whether or not I should call her. She's probably awake, so she'll answer.

"Stop it Adam, your acting like an idiot. Just call your freaking girlfriend." I told myself.

I pushed the green call button after I clicked open her contact, and waited for the ring.

"Hello?" I hear her speak, questioning the call.

"Hey baby." I say, trying out the nickname. She doesn't seem bothered by it. "I just called to check up on you and to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving. I know you probably don't know anyone there, but I hope you have a good day nonetheless."

"Actually an old friend of mine is still here, but thank you."

"That's good, what's her name?" I know I shouldn't assume, too late.

"His name is Bryan." It is a guy, why do I feel so freaking jealous. I hate this.

"Oh. That's cool." Dang it, even when I try not to sound jealous, I sound jealous.

"Yeah, we were actually in the middle of cooking..." I sighed, knowing I upset her.

"I didn't mean it like that, I'm glad you have someone there, I'm just kind of bothered that you're going to be hanging around a guy all the time." This time I physically smacked myself, why am I acting like such a jerk?

"I'm so sorry for the inconvenience my life brings you!" Dang it, she's yelling. I just screwed up this entire conversation.

"Jane, I'm sorry, it wasn't my intention to sound like a jealous little kid. Can we just start this conversation all over again?" When she didn't reply I looked down at my phone. She hung up.

Why does everything have to be so complicated. I freaking hate messing everything up. I feel like I'm always the one to make the stupid and irrational decisions.

Holy hell I sound like a teenage girl.

Taking a break from everything, I walked downstairs to my kitchen. Maybe food will help, scratch that. I know food will help.

My parents are probably out with Ana and Neal, again.

Honestly, I think they're planning on merging families. It's disturbing the time they spend together.

I think I'm going to have cold pizza, knowing there isn't anything half as good as cold pizza in my house. No, I'm not going to heat it up, I like it cold, sue me.

I have the Xbox hooked up in the living room, I have the urge to get completely submersed into a game of MW3.

Grabbing the entire box of cheese pizza from the fridge, I find my way to the living room.


I've been playing for the past four hours and somewhere in that time frame, I found my dads liquor stash and had a sip or two. Well...that was two hours ago...I think, I'm pretty sure I'm not drunk...or at least not completely wasted.

Either way, I feel great. My dads possibly going to kill me because I cleaned out his cabinet. Oh well. I need to pee. Like really bad, I high tail it towards my bathroom upstairs, I tripped and fell a few times but I made it.

Leaving the bathroom, I carefully made my way to my room for my phone, I didn't know who I planned on calling until...well until I saw the contact I clicked on.

I was surprised when Jane didn't answer her phone, but someone else did.

"Who the hell is this?" I slurred.

I could hear Jane yelling in the background. I couldn't really understand her, considering its giving me a headache just sitting up straight. The static isn't helping, the phone must be moving to much.

"Hang on Adam, your girlfriend won't get off of me." He states, this must be Bryan, I can tell he's the joking type. "Hon, I'm on the phone... don't be rude." Hon? Who the heck does he think he is calling my girlfriend hon?

"You cheap excuse for a human being. Put that whore on the phone now!" I started ranting, she cheated? Am I over reacting? Why did I have to get drunk or tipsy or whatever. I shouldn't of called.

"You stupid son of a-" I heard Jane scream and the phone was muffled.

"Adam?" I started ranting again when she said my name. I just kept talking slurred gibberish.

"I can't believe you! You freaking tramp! How could you do this to me. I gave you everything!" ADAM STOP! I yelled at myself.

She hung up again. Dang it. I'll call her back when I'm sober.

I wasn't in the mood to play Xbox after that conversation. I wasn't in the mood to do anything.

I threw up a few times, the burn of the alcohol hurt going down, coming back up was a whole other feeling.


I woke up on the bathroom floor, the cold tile was refreshing on my skin.

I climbed into the shower turning it to cold, and just standing under the pouring water.

I'm an idiot.
A complete and utter moron.
Why did I act like that?
I can't believe I let that one little situation anger me so much I hurt Jane, my best friend of six years. The possible love of my life? How could I say that to her? I think I just ruined everything.

My stupid drunk ego made a bad decision ten times worse.

I just hope I can get her to forgive me.
I'm not calling her.
If I'm going to do this, I'm going to do it right.
I'm going to talk to her face to face.
Thank you!

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