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"You should sit closer...don't be shy."

He moved closer. He was a sexy thing. He was tall broad shoulders. He looked like an Island boy. I hadn't seen anyone like him for years now. Moreen Island had a way of raising boys that were so attractive. They all had these hot bodies and dark tanned skin. They all had dreds or natural curls. I fucking missed home. I had to admit. Coming back to Moreen Island after all this time was There was something about the island boys that I just loved. Even when I moved away for college He hadn't been paying any attention to me until he caught my eyes.

That was when I knew I had him.

He moved closer.

"You straight?"

He nodded.

Of course he was straight. That was always the ones that I was attracted to. This was an interesting one...but not too interesting. It was so easy to get him to do what I wanted.

"Pull your dick out," I told him.

He was nervous. It didn't matter. So what we were in the back isle of a funeral. He did what I told him. He was sweating. Sometimes they tried to resist. This one wasn't really resisting too hard.

His dick was thick, bulging head. Damn. I got turned immediately. I would suck the blood out of that thing. I moved my hand closer.

That was when I heard her...Massie Boss.

"I even see his twin brother Gene in the crowd. Gene is there anything you'd like to come up and say?"

I looked at the boy and quickly whispered to him, "Put your dick away and forget about this."

The witch doctor didn't get what he wanted this time.

I got up as though I was about to go say something but I didn't.

I walked out.

It was my brothers funeral. You might ask how the fuck did I get a straight guy to do what I wanted? It's because I was different. It wasn't just me though mind you. No...my brother was different too. My whole family was.

They were all dead now though. My brother was the last of them. How did he die? I wasn't quite sure...

"You smoke now..."

I turned to see Massie. She had followed me outside the funeral.

"5 years changes people. It's a long time to start bad habits," I said and puffed on my cigarette, "Want one?"

"No...why'd you run out?"

"I've never been good at public speeches," I stated, "My brother hated my guts anyway. He probably wouldn't have wanted me to be here."

"That's not true," Massie said, "Your brother loved you...you two were always a little different from one another.

She said it with a straight face as though.

A little?

We were polar opposites.

"I was the slut, bad boy and he was the angel," I stated, "Good magic and dark magic. Isn't that how my mom described it."

"Shh..." she said.

Massie was always so secretive about things like that. It was amusing watching her standing there with her serious face. She didn't like to mention the magic in my family at all. The Boss family was always close to our family. Only Massie and her hideous daughter we left. Her husband had run away and her son died when he was a child playing with things he wasn't supposed to.

Witch Doctor #1 MxM (Staten Krown)Where stories live. Discover now