∆ Behind The Scenes ∆

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I got inspired by @Midnight-Drawing77's Varian x Reader book (chECK IT OUT. ITS AWESOME) and I thought they were adorable! So I decided to write some. Since my lazy ass didn't care to finish my 3 drafts -_-

Anywhoo, hope ya enjoy this!


The camera turns on and it was focused on you.

You were sitting on a tall stool while sipping a chocolate milkshake (or whatever you want) on a white straw, dangling your legs around.

"Sooo, how was the last scenes of my directing?" Emiko's voice could be heard followed by her laugh.

You shrug and sip on the milkshake. "It was fine."

"You know I had to make you kiss eventually don't I?"

The blush on your cheeks were visible as your eyes widened in realization. "You're filming this aren't you?!"


There was a rumbling sound and the camera shut off.

*      *     *

The camera turns on again and this time Hiro's face was a little  too close to the camera. He set the camera on its stand and backed away, a grin on his face.

You then came into view to see the camera on again. You blushed at earliers events and shook it off.

"Hiro?" You called, seeing as he turned to you.

"(Y/n)!" He smiled, grabbing a hold of your arm and dragging you in front of the camera. "I wanna show the world an invention I made! And luckily, you're my test assistant!"

"What?! No way!" You refused, shaking your head.

"Awww." He pouted, giving you THE puppy eyes.

You glared at him and playfully punched his arm, sighing in defeat. "Fineee.." You whined.

His eyes lit up and he squealed slightly, jumping around like a little kid. "I knew you can't resist me! I am, after all, irresistible." He smirked, pointing his thumb to himself.

"Shut up and show the world what you wanted them to see." You roll your eyes.

His face made an expression that said, "Oh! I forgot about that!" And he quickly dashed towards his right and grabbed a metal box.

It was about the size from your shoulder to your elbow. Hiro placed it on the ground and turned to the camera.

"This," He paused, gesturing to the oval shaped thing. "Is a dress changer." He announced.

You stared at him in pure confusion when he grabbed your arm and pulled you beside the machine.

"For example," Hiro continued, kneeling down and pressing a button somewhere on the thing. "Think of what you want to wear right now (Y/n)." He instructed, flashing you a smile.

You shrugged and closed your eyes, an image of an outfit that you wanted to wear at the moment coming in your mind. Once you opened your eyes, you gave Hiro a look. Hiro merely smiled and gestured to your clothes.

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