(39) Glucose Gaurdian

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Warning: Extreme. Not lemon-ish, but you can sense something not to be read by kids unless you're 13 above. A lot of cuss words and mentions of alcohol. i repeat - not wholesome.


You were desperate for money.

"What am I going to do?" With a groan, you bury your face into your hands. This wasn't happening. This wasn't happening --

you stare at the letter in your lap.

It was real.

"H-How am I going to pay for this?" You stutter, taking in the words of this letter in your hands. On the lower right corner it said that 40,000 dollars was your fee.

Your mother was laying, frail, beside you on her hospital bed. You look at her and frown.

This wasn't what you expected.

You were close to crying - you were just a mere college student who barely had any money to afford your tuition, rent and food. This hospital fee had to butt in.

"Mom.." You whisper, slightly shaking as you stare at her with teary eyes. "I promise I'll help you, I'll take care of Kakshi while you rest well here. I'll find a decent paying job to cover all of our debt."

While wiping your tears, you put on a forced smile. You got this.

* * *

"Kakshi? Are you here?" You call softly, closing the apartment door while walking towards the kitchen. The place was quite small, but it was cheap. Plus, the three of you fit just well here - but your mother was back at the hospital as she got her treatment.

A while back she had suffered from sudden migranes and back pains, but you didn't know it was this severe that had caused her to pass out out of the blue.


You turn around and was immediately hugged by your 7 year old brother - Kakshi. Smiling, you reach down and pat his hair while he was hugging your knees tightly. "Where's momma?"

The smile was quickly wiped off your face. You look at him for a moment and quietly sigh.

"Mother is sick at the moment, Shi. But she is resting, so don't worry. We will visit her tomorrow, after school, okay?"

You saw as Kakshi frowned in worry, but nevertheless, he nodded. "Yes, big sister."

Quickly swiping up to carry him in your arms, you tickle his sides for a bit and heard him giggle. "Let's get you ready for bed, shall we?"

* * *

You hum as you put your baby brother to bed and tuck him in. It was now 7:30, and you had to go to your part time job. You had one before this incident happened, but you didnt dare to tell your mother what your job was.

After taking a shower, you put on your uniform and stare at yourself in the mirror. Cringing for the umpteen time, you try to lower your skirt.

Your uniform was quite TOO fit for you and hugged your body completely. Your curves were exposed and don't get me started on the skirt length.

Sighing, you kiss your brother goodnight and went out, locking the door with your keys. You could trust him. Besides, once he was asleep, he would only wake up when sunlight hits his eyes.

Entering the bar, you were immediately hit by the smell of cigarettes and beer, making your nose scrunch up in disgust. You had to do this job, for it paid you well enough for a week of food.

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