Chapter 16

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     I flew out of the bed and rushed to the window

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     I flew out of the bed and rushed to the window. "Jensen, what's wrong?" Lynn's voice was nervous and shaky and I turned to face her. 

"I have to deal with this. Lynn, I need you to pack some things just in case I need to send you somewhere. Is there anywhere you can go to?" She looked at me and I could see a teardrop starting to fall as she shook her head. 

"Yes, well my dad has friends in Rome. I haven't talked to them or seen them since I was a child, but I know they will help. My father always told me to go to them if I needed help." I nodded and went to the nightstand. I grabbed her phone, I knew that it could be bugged so I also grabbed the burn phone that I had for emergencies. I tossed them on the bed. 

"Ok, you are going to turn your phone on and get the number for your friends. Once you have it turn the phone back off then call them. Make sure your phone is off before you call anyone. It could be bugged."

   I kissed her and grabbed my shirt and headed downstairs. I saw Dillion standing by the front door. "I want the grounds searched now. Someone was close enough to take a picture of Lynn and I want to know how." I said with authority in my voice as I hurried past him. I jumped on my bike and flew back to Mike's house. The plan we had was never going to work if Joseph thinks that Lynn and I are sleeping together. The picture that was sent to me was just of me holding Lynn, but it didn't look like I had feelings for her. All I knew was that we needed to come up with a different plan. I never liked the idea of using Lynn as bait anyway. As I pulled into the driveway I saw Trevor's truck parked in front of the house. At least I wouldn't have to wait for him to get here. Although it did make me wonder what was going on. Usually, Trevor was at home with his wife and the new baby unless Mike needed him, at least until Nicole was ready to let him go back to work.

   I parked the bike and headed up to the front door. As I walked in I saw Trevor and Mike standing in the foyer by the front door talking. Mike saw the frustration on my face and immediately pointed to his office. I nodded and we all headed into the office. Trevor closed the door and stood next to Mike. "What's wrong Jensen?" Mike said. I pulled my phone out and showed him the message. 

"Mike, I don't like this. He knows that I have her and I don't know if our plan will work if he thinks that I will fight for her." Mike sat back in his chair and I could see the wheels turning in his head. 

"Maybe we could still do this. He wants Lynn right, I don't think he will hurt her. We just need to buy some more time."

I threw my hands up in frustration and started pacing the room. "Look, Mike, I know that I was the one who pushed you to go through with helping Lynn, but I didn't think I would ever have feelings for her either. I am telling you that I don't like this plan. I am sending her to Rome with friends and we will find another way." Mike and Trevor both looked at me with shock and confusion in their eyes. 

"You have feelings for her?" Mike said. I nodded and then sat down in a chair. "Alright Jensen, we won't actually use her as bait. This is my idea, I think you should message Joseph back and tell him you need more time." I looked at Mike for a minute.

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