Chapter 1: Uh Oh...

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"Mom if I told you, y-you wouldn't understand!"

"You won't even let me try hon."

"Whatever! You win."

"I just want to know why you need to be out till around 3 in the morning."

"A band I like is gonna be there."


"A party."

"So your all worked up about a band?"

"So I can go?!?"

"Only if you tell me what band."

"Well the names sorta lame but uh they're really uh, don't judge, but uh.. there called-

"Spit it out already!"

"One... Direction." I confirmed

Mom chuckled at the name as if in recognition. I wanted to argue with her displeasing response when she nodded her head implying that I could go. So I just let it be and thanked her.

After a bit my best friend Alex came over to pick me up. She'd just gotten her licence, so I let her drive me everywhere. I'd already had mine for a year due to the fact my pre-school teacher didn't think I was ready for kindergarten. Besides the fact, Alex had been my full-time chiefer with an illiterate sense of direction. So, when she stated we were lost I was at the least surprised.

"Addy I've got no clue where we are."

"Ok, Alex get out I'm driving."

"But, I promised my mom I wouldn't let anyone drive the car."

"Well, guess what."



"Fine!" She rolled her eyes at me but couldn't hide her slowly emerging smirk.

Once I got us going the right direction my mind went off on a rampage. I was actually going to see One Direction.I was absolutely overjoyed at the thought of this. I'd just bought their album two weeks ago, and it wasn't even for me.


I went out to buy my ten year old cousin a birthday present. So, I drove to the closest target and instinctively went to the CD section. I went into what I called the 'kiddie-bopper' area and saw the cover of one with five hotties on it, with a cheesy name. I grabbed it and drove straight to her party. Apparently chloe (my cousin) really liked one direction and played it the entire party. Then the madness started... I've been a obsessed 'directioner' ever since. I think that's what chloe called it.


Since that party I've seen every interview, video diary, and 'spin the Harry' (that's my favorite). I even found out that my best friend likes them too. So when I found out three months ago that Caroline Ferguson was having special guests One Direction at her party meant nothing to me, it now meant the world that I was there.

"She's gonna catch you." Alex stated

"With all the people showing up I'll just be another speck feeding off her glory." I stated bluntly

The problem with Caroline was that she's a spoiled, annoying, self-absorbed brat. Her source of powers is attention. And even though she knows she's hated by just about everyone, she feeds off everyone's jealousy towards her. You see her family owns a local boutique called 'Here I Am' that's now become a a chain all around the country. Now her family has millions. In her case that fortune went to Caroline's head and produced and allergy that never seems to go away.

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