Chapter 8: Help me...

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Liams' POV

"Jesus! We're going on stage in 2 freakin; hours!"

I yelled to myself in the dressing room mirror. All the guys were supposed to be here four hours ago. Yet, it was only being shared by Zayn an I. I'll tell you one thing about Zayn. He sweats when he's nervous and sweat messes up 'Mr. Perfect's' hair. He was having a total meltdown in the middle of the room. At an attempt to comfort him I brought him his comb, but he only threw it across the room breaking it. Making the situation much worse.

"Liam!" Zayn shot up from his dis-comforting position on the floor.

I shot up at the sound of his enthused voice

"I know where Niall took Alex!"

Niall's POV

We ended up spending the night in the woods. It was hard for Alex due to her wolf form, but me on the other hand didn't sleep at all. Maybe I was just nervous that she'd change back into her original form, or even run off. Whatever it was kept me up the entire time. By the time Alex had woken up she'd began the change back to human. It was excruciating to watch her complete the transformation due to the bone cracking and agonizing screams. By the time it was done she was sore and tired. I brought her a new outfit from the bag she'd insisted we take.

"Niall." Alex was looking at me with a serious face


"Do you mind."

She looked down at her clothes implying that she didn't want me to watch her change. I understood and began a short walk down to a nearby stream. These woods help so many memories.

Zayn's POV

I was leading Liam to the car so we could get to where I believed Niall took Alex. If I was right he'd be by the stream in the woods. Where he first changed


I followed Niall to the yard behind the hotel we were staying for the concert that night. Niall had began yelping as he fell to the ground. I ran over to him and screamed for me to back off but, I knew I couldn't leave him so helpless. I tried to help him up but he shoved me back almost 50 feet until I hit the hotels brick wall. I stumbled to regain balance after the un-expected blow. how could Niall, of all people have the energy to do that. Something was seriously wrong I needed help. I sprinted to the door hoping Niall wouldn't notice, he did. Suddenly Niall bolted in front of me. He grabbed the collar to my shirt, and practically dragged me to his black mustang GT, management got him for his birthday. I sat in the passenger seat as Niall nervously stepped on the pedal. He turned to me and I could tell he was just as clueless as me. We drove frantically around the unknown for about 20 minutes before making a dangerous turn into a wooded area. Niall almost lost control of the car before swerving into a heavily mudded area. Niall lunged out of the car slipping into the edge of what looked like a small stream. The screaming started up again I watched in fear from the car as Niall's body bent back making a repulsive cracking sound. I watched in horror as my best friend was being morphed into what seemed to look, almost wolf-like? Was he turning into a wolf?  What the hell!


Niall's POV

I looked at my reflection in the stream as I remembered the one who had changed me. His face kept running through my mind causing my anger to flourish. He was the one that caused all my pain, all my anxiety, all of the late nights trying to hide from society. Trying to hide from the people the society I used to be apart of. Now I had to pretend, pretend I didn't care that while my friends were out at the bowling alley I was running to the nearest forest before I turned into a beast, a mutant, a monster... My life was staring me in the face. This was where it all started, and now it was happening again. But, not to me, to another innocent teen. Watching her change hurt me as much as it hurt her. I wanted to make the pain go away, make the bones stop cracking, make the fur stop growing, but it wasn't up to me. I had to find the person who turned her. I needed to help her find the person that cursed her.

"NIALLLL!!!" I heard Alex scream

I ran towards the murderous screams with great worry. The sight I saw when I arrived was horrifying.

Alex's POV

As I was changing a girl about 15 had walked into my area of the forest. She was very tall with short brown hair, light grey eyes and a menacing look planted on her face. She walked right up to my half-clothed body and began yelling absurd things into my face.

"Why must you beasts always ruin everything for us!"

"I-I don't know who you are." I dumbly stuttered out

She slapped me across the face, knocking me to the ground, I tried to run away but was trapped against the tree she'd cornered me against. I screamed for Niall hoping he'd hear.

"Nobody can save you now hun!"

Niall's POV

Alex was was being pressed up against a tree by a young looking girl. I ran towards her but was stopped by her glare. I was unable to move just by looking into her eyes. She was a vampire, a strong one at too. She didn't take her eyes off me as her knife-edged talons ripped through the skin of her precious skin. She was tearing apart her skin like a maniac almost disassembling her right arm.  I was just standing there watching Alex being torn apart. Suddenly the girl,  heartlessly ripped into Alex's body, causing her to cry out for me, then the girl lashed her hand out of Alex tearing out her heart. I cried out in agony. My eyes were open forced to watch the murder.

In that same moment I saw another familiar face. It was him, the one who changed me. I was so focused on him I didn't even see the vampire running towards me viciously. She was just about to slit me throat when I heard 


He'd staked her right through the heart, almost getting mine as well. In that instance I was released from her death glare and pushed her still body from mine. I stood up to face him.

"Long time no see Niall."

"You too Blake." I returned sadly

I ignored his comments after that to visit Alex's body. It was blood-stained and cold. She was so still it was scary and I could still read the horrified expression on her lifeless face. This was my fault, I knew it. I looked up to see the one who'd saved me had vanished, but only to be replaced by three others

Zayn, Liam and Harry

I dropped to the ground ashamed of myself. I'd brought her out here and now she was dead. What had I done.

Zayn helped me up and led me away from the crime scene. Bawling in the process, he never liked this kinda stuff. He was too soft. While Liam dialed the police frantically. Harry just stood there staring at her. His face was emotionless. Then he turned to me in disgust. I looked down, at his disappointment. Once I entered the car the tears came. My phone began vibrating suddenly.

'Beach tommorow at 8' -Blake


OK guys sorry for the downer chapter but WHAT DID YOU THINK!!!

Please tell me and I'll update tomorrow

I have to have at least 3 comments from different people and 5 votes SO get going :)

Love you guys,

                            Mandy xx

(p.s. tell me if I made you cry!)

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