Tim's Place

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Tim and I ride the tube until it stops at a station. Tim grabs my hand and we make our way out of the tube and the station until we finally get to the surface. The area has a bunch of old looking flats; the area seems sketchy with people sitting around drinking; the flats have bars on their windows, and garbage is thrown onto the street.

Tim and I keep walking until we get to a flat. He opens the door to the building and we walk up the stairs. We get to a door with the number 302, Tim goes into his pocket and takes out his key. He unlocks the door with it and opens it, he then signals me to go inside the flat. I go inside and see a standard looking flat; it has all the necessities. He has a small tv and brown couch, his kitchen looks as typical as it could be.

"So," Tim comes from behind me "What do you think?"

I smile "It's nice, and it looks cozy,"

He chuckles "Oh well thank you Y/n,"

Tim sits on the couch and turns on the TV to some 70s sitcom. I walk over and sit beside him on the couch. We both sit there in silence watching the TV. After a while, my eyes start to feel heavy and I feel like I'm going to doze off.

Tim looks over to me and notices that I'm practically falling asleep "Are you tired love?"

I nod my head yes.

"Well, I guess you can sleep in my bed and I'll just sleep on the couch"

I get shocked by that request

"You don't have to do that you know. It's your flat I should be the one sleeping on the couch,"

Tim rolls his eyes

"I know you might hate me after this but it's for your own good love,"

Tim stands up, picks me up bridal style and brings me to his room. He then plops me on his bed and walks to the doorway.

"I'll be in the living room if you need anything." He blushes and gives me a little smile. "Goodnight (Y/N)"

He walks out and closes the door. I look around the room and see pictures of Tim and presumably his family and friends. He has some clothes thrown onto the ground and two nightstands at both sides of the bed. The bed has a duvet and two pillows. He has a window left from the bed which looks out to other buildings. I turn off the lamp that is on his nightstand and then I get under the covers and get into the fetus position. I close my eyes and wonder why am I here. Why am I not back home in my bed, in the present time? Why did this happen and mess up my grip on reality?

I miss the present time; I miss my family. My eyes start to burn up and my nose starts to tingle. I can feel the hot stream of tears falling down my cheek. How amazing, I'm crying in Tim Curry's bed. I know that everything is fine but; I feel like everything is terrible. I start to sniffle but try to hide it so then Tim won't hear. My eyes start to become heavy and I fall into a deep sleep.

(Sorry that it's been months since I last posted. I plan to get back on track. But I wanted to ask you guys, how are you enjoying the story?)

Tim Curry: back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now