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Janet, Jo, Annie and I start to walk around the shopping centre.

It's extremely crowded since Christmas is upon us. I hate crowded spaces it's aggravating, everyone is practically breathing down each other's necks while they are trying to do their normal routines. I'm pretty good at manoeuvring my way around big crowds since I grew up in London.

I acknowledge that it's especially busy near that bloody Christmas tree in the middle. It'll be a pain to go around. Janet starts to walk off into a store and we all follow after her.

"Now this is a store you will all like!" Janet says as she's looking around the store like a kid in a candy shop.

The store is a little cramped but not so packed that it's insane. We all go our separate ways. Annie looks around and goes to look at some skirts. Annie loves to wear cute little outfits, it suits her very nicely.

Jo looks around the store in outrage. Presumably, because this store doesn't really have all 'Punk' essentials. Janet just wanders off to who knows where doing who knows what.

The clothes are nice, but what really got me excited was this outfit I saw. It was beautiful, It had a white turtleneck sweater with a black checkered skirt. It also had white thigh high socks and black Mary Janes. I was in love with it, I guess Janet noticed me gawking at it since she waddled over next to me.

"You want that sweetheart?" Janet asks me.

I wasn't really paying attention, so I was quite surprised when Janet asked me about the outfit.

"Oh yes, please."

"Well it's your lucky day, I have a good feeling about you. I'll get you that outfit. It'll suit you well." Janet says smiling

"Thank you so much for helping us out. We are all very thankful." I grin.

"No problem. Well, go look around since you can't just have one outfit." Janet then shuffles away.

I go over to look at the tops and bottoms. I pick out a loose yellow dress, a blue overall dress with a blouse to go under it, a green shirt with a green plaid skirt to go with it, a red plaid skirt, a white button up top, a black sleeveless sweater and some bell-bottom jeans.

I pretty much had what I needed. I also got some socks, underwear, and bras. Everyone else had what they needed for the stay, except Jo since she doesn't like these types of clothes.

I went over to Janet along with Annie to let her know that we were done so then she can go to the cashier and pay. Jo noticed that we were going to talk to Janet so then Jo followed behind us.

"Wow, you're all done?" Janet asks while she was looking at some random dress she found.

"Yep!" Annie and I exclaim in unison

Janet goes over to the cashier and puts all of our clothes in one big pile on the table. The cashier starts adding up all of the money Janet owes. The cash register was vintage and it was so strange to see.

Jo was being a sourpuss since she couldn't get cool 'punk' clothes but I tried to explain to her that punk wasn't really a thing in 1972. Janet gave Jo the stinkeye since Jo was being a real piece of work. Janet just got some bellbottoms and tops for Jo.

After Janet had bought our clothes we didn't know what to do. We were all just walking around the mall doing whatever. We were walking until we found the mall's food court Annie, Jo and I just stood there looking at everything.

"Can we go to the food court, Janet?" Annie asked

"Why go to the food court when you just ate dear" Janet responded

"Well, I don't know I was just thinking of something to do."

"Fine, girls lets go," Janet says before she walks to the food court.

Tim Curry: back in timeWhere stories live. Discover now