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(Sorry about the dream sequence. I know how overused and annoying these can be)

~Dream Sequence~

As I drift away into a slumber, I can make out a picture, like a painting or something. It's a gloomy bedroom with a bed and a dresser and all the other usual stuff. But as I look closer I can see blobs, moving blobs. One is on the bed and one is on the floor. I squit my eyes to see exactly what the blobs are and I notice that; they're figures not exactly people. The figure on the floor has its shoulders heaving up and down. The one on the bed has its chest moving slowly as if it's breathing. I try to look closer but I can't everything gets all cloudy. It fades out I try to put my arm out for it to stop but I can't, everything is fake. Everything then turns to nothing and I go back to sleep.

~End Of Dream Sequence~

I open my eyes and stare at the ceiling above me. I recall little about my dream last night, only a faint picture of a mysterious room. I turn over and get blasted by a ray of sun right into my eyes. I throw the covers off of me and get off the bed. I stand up, I then put my arms up to stretch them as if I was touching the sky with my fingers. I let out a big yawn and rub my eyes. I open the door leading out of the bedroom into a short hallway that goes to the kitchen and living room. I walk through the hallway that has a door leading to what I believe is a bathroom.

Right before I went through the arch leading to the kitchen and living room I smell something burning. I look over and see Tim waving his arms at some smoke coming from the stove. His messy hair moves from side to side as he shakes his arms to shoo away the smoke emerging from the stove. He's wearing a black baggy t-shirt with some university's name on the front, for his bottoms, he's wearing just ordinary briefs. (His baggy shirt covers up most of what's going on down there) "Ah, shit" I can hear him say.

I walk over to the kitchen area and try to take a peek at what's  causing all this smoke. I get a quick glimpse and see that it's bacon  that's so burnt it's practically black. "Tim, do you think you could use  a hand?" I back away a bit to make sure he doesn't get startled and  accidentally hit me or something. He quickly turns his head to look at  me. "No, I have it under control now. How about you watch the telly for a  bit?" He smiles. "If you say so" I walk to the tv to turn it on and  then plop on the couch. "What time did you go to bed?" I ask Tim.  "I.. um.. believe a little after you went to bed. Just watched a bit  of telly and then dozed off" He says.

"Y/n, I was planning on  making you a nice breakfast but as you can tell it's all gone to shit so  would you care for some cereal?" He asks me with a slight chuckle at  the end. I turn around to face him. "I would LOVE some cereal, what kind  do you have?" He goes into a cupboard and pulls out two boxes of  cereal. Count Chocula and Cocoa Puffs. "Which one?" He holds both of them out. "Tim, those both have loads of sugar," I say giggling. "I eat them," He says with a shrug. "You don't eat that every day though?" I say in disbelief. He doesn't respond, instead, he just has a little smirk on his face. "You'll rot your teeth at this rate you know. But I'll take Count Chocula" I say with a little smile. He starts to pour  the cereal in a bowl and put milk in it. He hands it to me and gets another bowl for himself. "I didn't know you had such a big opinion on cereal" I roll my eyes. "I don't, I just don't understand how you can eat this every day for breakfast" He sits down on the couch beside me with his bowl. He grabs the remote and turns on the television. He switches through until he gets to the news. "I don't understand the appeal of the news honestly" I say before taking a spoonful of Count Chocula. Tim looks at me like I was speaking an alien language. "Its appeal is that it shows you what's going on in the world" He says in disbelief. "I know that! I mean it's depressing" I try to explain my point. Tim laughs then puts down his bowl on the coffee table. "Love, everything is depressing" Tim says that while his head is slightly tilted. He has a soft expression on his face. "What a nice outlook on life" I then take my last spoonful of cereal. I grab Tim's empty bowl and begin to walk to the sink. Tim turns around on the couch to look at me doing the dishes. "You can't blame the news for bad things that happen in the world" Tim gets off the couch and starts to walk towards me. "Life is what you make it, you have a bad outlook then your life won't be very pleasant" I finish washing the dishes, I turn to look at him. He's leaning against the counter with his arms on the counter supporting him. "Tim, do you have a bad outlook on life?" I ask staring into his eyes. Maybe he's putting on a show and he's actually sad or something. He looks down. "Not particularly, sometimes I do sometimes I don't" His eyes return to look at me. "What about now?" I ask. He starts to have a soft smile. "I dont right now, you being here with me makes it hard to have a bad outlook" His eyes sparkle. I start to blush. It's kinda sweet that he would say that I make him have a good outlook on life. I'm guessing it's his way of saying I make him happy. He notices my blushing. He puts his hand on my cheek and leans in for a kiss. My heart starts beating a billion times faster. Our lips are a centimetre away until someone starts knocking on the door like a madman. Tim just chuckles. "Maybe next time love" he kisses my forehead and goes to the door.

YAY! A new chapter! It's been 10 years but it's okay. Also I met Tim Curry in October it was really great. He said I looked like a Scottish girl. Eeeee (I got rid of the faces cause yeah)

 Eeeee (I got rid of the faces cause yeah)

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