Chapter 21

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I woke up the next morning with I'm guessing Alaska licking my face.

"Well good morning to you too" I smiled at her. "You want some food" I asked her she barked in return. "Come on" I said in a baby voice hopping out of bed with Alaska following me. We made our way downstairs but it took a bit for her to come down since she was still little.

"Mom where's her food?" I asked making my way into the kitchen.

"It's over in the food cabinet" she said and I made my way over to it pulling out her puppy food. My mom handed me her bowls which were red. I filled one with water and the other with her dried food then set them on the floor. Alaska quickly ran over to them and started eating.

"Look at that she's defiantly a Smith. Running to the food once it's served" my mom joked.

"Yup pretty much" I smiled. I sat at the table and my mom set a plate of eggs in front of me. When I finished eating Jason walked in with messy hair.

"Wow you're up before I am" he said and sat next to me.

"Alaska woke me up" I told him. I said getting up then bent over to pick up Alaska. I held her in my arms and she started licking my face. "Oh my god you're so cute" I said in a baby voice. I carried her out of the kitchen and into the living room.

There was a knock at the door but I was too busy playing with Alaska to open it. Alaska ran away from me and towards the door. I looked up and saw Lauren running away from Alaska.

"Don't worry Laur I got her" Jason said picking up Alaska.

"Hey babe" I said pecking her lips.

"Hey umm...I don't want this to sound mean...but can you keep-"

I cut Lauren off. "Alaska away from you yea I know you're afraid of dogs. She's not gonna hurt you like that dog the bit your pony tale" I joked at the last part.

"Shhh don't talk about it" Lauren told me. I chuckled.

"Don't worry I can keep her in the cage" I said then took Alaska from Jason.

I carried Alaska up to my room with Lauren following from behind. I opened my bedroom door and set Alaska inside her cage. Honestly I didn't like seeing her behind a cage door she looked a bit sad.

"Babe I know you're afraid of dogs but do you think you can warm up to her please? I don't want to have her locked up every time you're over" I told Lauren.

"Since I saw your post saying you got a dog I was a bit afraid. For you I can try to learn to love her or at least not afraid of her"

"Do you want me to take her out?" I asked

"S-sure" she said nervously.

I locked our lips together and kissed her passionately.

"She's not gonna hurt you I promise" I said when we pulled away. I went over to Alaska's cage and took her out making my way back to Lauren with her in my arms. "Alaska this is Lauren, Lauren this is Alaska"

Lauren reached her hand out then pulled away quickly when she thought Alaska was gonna bite her. Lauren reached her hand out again and was about to pet Alaska but she started licking her hand. Lauren giggled.

"She's so cute" Lauren said petting Alaska's head smiling.

"You wanna hold her?"

"Yea" Lauren smiled and I handed Alaska over to her. Lauren looked incredibly adorable holding Alaska. I took out my phone and took a picture of them.

Lauren walked over to my bed and sat down still holding Alaska. This was seriously the best and cutest thing ever.

I smiled and sat next to Lauren.

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