Chapter 38

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"You're such a cheater!" Becky yelled at me.

"No you just suck at FIFA. You're Mexican I figured you'd be better at this then me" I told her not taking my eyes off the screen.

"Shut up"

"Sore loser"

"Shut up" she laughed and shoved me softy.


"Oh do we're playing like that now?!" I told Becky because she tried knocking the controller out of my hands.

Pretty soon most of the time we were trying to get the controller out of the others hands, pushing, shoving. Basically anything to distract the other.


"It was not!"

"Was to!"

"Was not!"

"Was to!"

"Can both of you please shut up Jesus" Ski said walking into the back lounge where me and Becky were.

"Sorry" we said in a unison then Ski walked out.

"I want a rematch" Becky said.

"Whatever you want Beckster" I smirked.



"I let you win Becky" I told her.


"OH really?"

"Pretty much"

"Yea who's the loser now" I told her and started tickling her. "Who's the loser now?"

"S-stop p-please!" Becky said in between laughs.

"Say I'm a winner!"

"I'm a winner!"

"You know what I mean Rebecca!" I said still tickling her. "Say it!"

"Kayla's a winner! Please stop I'm gonna pee!"

I laughed and stopped tickling her.

"Girls come one you gotta get ready for the meet&greet" Ski said coming into the lounge.


"Okay guys so this is a new song it's called First Flight Home I wrote it a couple says ago so I hope you guys like it" I heard the music coming through my ear pieces.
I hope you still remember what I look like
I haven't seen you in a minute
Last night I had the kind of dream that you just don't wanna wake up from and that 's cus' you were in it
So this morning when I woke up it felt more like a nightmare cus' I rolled over and I thought that you'd be right there
But, nope i'm just laying here alone on my own wishing I was on the first flight home

I'll be home in no time
I promise when I touch down it'll be like I never left
Singing, I'll be home in no time
By the way check your phone cause I just sent you a text saying
Hey, I've been gone forever, I'm coming home tonight
We'll be back together, this plane gon' fly
I can't predict the weather, but you should know that I,
I'll be on the first flight home, I'll be on the first flight home

And I bet if I left right now, I'd prolly' make it to you by the morning
So i'm packing up my bags hopping on this red eye
I'll be there before your eyes even open
Hurry up and tell the pilot to take off
So we could pick up right where we left off
I can't believe it, i'm finally on my way
Feels so damn good to be able to say

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