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I feel on the floor crying. I banged my head on the kitchen's cold wooden floor but that was the least of my worries.

"S-S-SEAN! Pamela!" I yelled. Calling my sister by her full name letting them both no this is no joke.

"Jade! What happened? Did you fall?" My sister asked worriedly. I nodded my head no. And tried to explain everything to them.

With a few breaths and crying in between, I told my sister and my brother.

Pam started crying on my chest and my brother stared at me in shock. He slammed his hand on the island and smashed the phone on the wall making Pam cry louder.

"Are you mad?! What the hell are you doing!" I ask panicky.

"I am mad! I just found out my mother died in fucking car crash! I am so fucking mad!" He swears.

"Shut up! Okay! We have to stay calm! Ok?" I say ignoring that he didn't understand what I meant by mad.

"Speak for yourself! You're the one crying in the freaking kitchen floor!" He yells.

"Stop cursing! It gets me more frustrated! Let's just get to the hospital!" I yell.

He was about to say something but nods his head.

"Ok. Who's driving?" He says trying to keep his temper aside.

"I'll drive." I say. I'm not risking him driving and crashing into anything since he WILL take his anger out on anything. That's why I made him sit in the front so he won't hit Pam.

We got to the hospital and I carried Pam on my back because she was crying so much that she couldn't walk. Sean was too weak right now to even talk.

So I did the holding and the talking.

"Hello. I'm looking for Sarah McLauren's room." I ask saying my mother's maiden name.

"Yes, but she passed away. I don't think you should see her." The nurse said.

"Don't think for us." Sean snapped. And I try to push him with my hand.

"I'm sorry about that but we would still like to see Sarah. She's our mother." I say.

"Ok. Please wait out here. I have to check with the doctor." She said and I nodded. I turn to Sean and see him gone. I called his name a few times and when I got no answer, I called his cell letting Pam off my back.

The line was busy. I groaned in fruatration.

I sat in the waiting area and cried on Pam's shoulder. She cried on mine. We were in a hugging position over the chairs.

Pam is still young. She hasn't grown to much yet. No one gave her 'the talk' or the puberty talk. Now I'm pretty sure I have to.

The hospital door opened and I saw Michael standing there with his body guard.

He spotted me and came over.

"Jade." He says with pity eyes. I stand up.

"I'm so sorry." He says. I nod and hug him.

"Did Sean call you?" I ask

"Yeah. How are you doing?" He asks sitting in the seat on my left.

"Honestly, I feel like shit." I say and he laughs.

"I know Jade. I know." He said hugging me.

Even though my mother and I always argue, or shall I say, ARGUED, I will always love her.

"Miss! Ms. Sarah McLauren's daughter!" The nurse called.

I shot right up and walk towards her.

"My name's Jade Pascanza. And yeah?" I say

"You're free to see your mother. Room 154." She said.

"Thank you." I say

I walk over to Pam and mention her to get up. I smile at Michael.

"I'll stay here." He said and I nod.

I walk with Pam to the room seeing Sean in there holding our dead mother's hand.

I walk in there crying. Sean looks back at me and comes towards me.

He pulls me into a hug. I cry on his shoulder. He rubs my back and I pull away.

I pull Pam into the hug and we all hugged.

I pulled away and look at my dead mother's body.

"Guys, Can I talk to mom?" Pam asks.

"Sure, baby girl." Sean says and I nod exiting with Sean.

"I'm sorry." I say to him.

"For what?" He asks

"For not comforting you." I say. He nods his head no and hugs me.

"Don't worry about it. We have to raise an 11 year-"

"12." I say correcting him.

"We have to raise a '12' year old together. We can never argue with her, because you and I are all she has." He says

"We are in this" I trail off

"Together." We say in unison.


Hope you enjoyed! If you like this story so far comment below! Thanks for reading!

-Jo Mahoney(Author)

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